The Shemwell Family

Walter Galway BrowningAge: 38 years18961934

Walter Galway Browning
Given names
Walter Galway
Birth March 22, 1896
MarriageAnna Laura McGeheeView this family
April 4, 1922 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Harriette Anne Browning
February 21, 1924 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Minnie Louise Browning
July 2, 1925 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Leona Aileen Browning
July 30, 1931 (Age 35 years)
Death June 5, 1934 (Age 38 years)
Walter G Browning Obituary
June 7, 1934 (2 days after death)
Note: CAVE SPRINGS WORLD WAR VETERAN DEAD-----Walter G. Browning, age 38 years, of Cave Springs, died in the United States Veterans Hospital Tuesday. He had been in poor health since the war and when his illness became critical he was removed to the Veterans Hospital. For some time he had been in the veterans hospital at El Paso, Texas, but returned home a year ago.------Funeral services will be held in Rogers this afternoon under the auspices of the American Legion Post of Rogers and the Disabled American Veterans of Fayetteville. Burial will be made in the Rogers cemetery.--------Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Browning of Rogers, his widow, Mrs. Anna McGhee Browning of Cave Springs, and three daughters. ------[Benton County Record & Democrat – Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas – Thursday, June 7, 1934 -Page 2 Column 2]
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Rogers Cemetery
Family with Anna Laura McGehee - View this family
Anna Laura McGehee
Birth: September 29, 1900 33 31Eureka Springs, Carroll, Arkansas, United States
Death: January 24, 1992Paris, Logan, Arkansas, United States
Marriage: April 4, 1922Rogers, Benton, Arkansas, United States
23 months
Harriette Anne Browning
Birth: February 21, 1924 27 23Rogers, Benton, Arkansas, United States
Death: December 28, 1988
16 months
Minnie Louise Browning
Birth: July 2, 1925 29 24Benton, Arkansas, United States
Death: February 12, 1949Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States
6 years
Leona Aileen Browning
Birth: July 30, 1931 35 30El Paso, Texas, United States
Death: November 7, 1999St. Louis, Missouri, United States

No family available

CAVE SPRINGS WORLD WAR VETERAN DEAD-----Walter G. Browning, age 38 years, of Cave Springs, died in the United States Veterans Hospital Tuesday. He had been in poor health since the war and when his illness became critical he was removed to the Veterans Hospital. For some time he had been in the veterans hospital at El Paso, Texas, but returned home a year ago.------Funeral services will be held in Rogers this afternoon under the auspices of the American Legion Post of Rogers and the Disabled American Veterans of Fayetteville. Burial will be made in the Rogers cemetery.--------Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Browning of Rogers, his widow, Mrs. Anna McGhee Browning of Cave Springs, and three daughters. ------[Benton County Record & Democrat – Bentonville, Benton County, Arkansas – Thursday, June 7, 1934 -Page 2 Column 2]