The Shemwell Family

Cecil Bernard Murphy Jr + Rosalee Sue “Rose” Miner

4 children
Richard Dean “Rick” Murphy
Birth: March 6, 1960 24 20Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: March 29, 2015

Parents Grandparents
Cecil Bernard Murphy Jr
Birth: December 27, 1935 27 22Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: April 7, 2003Johnston City, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Cecil Bernard Murphy
Birth: June 26, 1908 40 39Browder, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States
Death: December 2, 1958Johnson City, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Helen Irene Sherrard
Birth: March 14, 1913Herrin, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: October 6, 2002Johnston City, Williamson, Illinois, United States

Rosalee Sue “Rose” Miner
Birth: April 28, 1939Johnston City, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Death: August 23, 2016Energy, Williamson, Illinois, United States
Family group information

The details of this family are private.