The Shemwell Family

Stokely Orval AcuffAge: 74 years18831957

Stokely Orval Acuff
Given names
Stokely Orval
Birth February 27, 1883 27 34
Note: 1900 census says May 1884
MarriageLeona OakesView this family

Birth of a sisterMinnie Ester Acuff
November 2, 1885 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Judson “Judd” Acuff
January 22, 1888 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherCharles Love “Charlie” Acuff
January 2, 1891 (Age 7 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherClara Vittitoe
May 13, 1898 (Age 15 years)
Census June 16, 1900 (Age 17 years)
Census June 25, 1900 (Age 17 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas D Acuff Jr.
August 15, 1902 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a daughter
Nola Belle Acuff
April 14, 1914 (Age 31 years)
Death of a fatherRev. James Thomas Acuff
August 2, 1915 (Age 32 years)
Death of a sisterBertha Belle Acuff
July 4, 1921 (Age 38 years)
Death of a motherMelvina Francis “Fannie” Kidwell
October 24, 1931 (Age 48 years)
Death of a brotherJoseph Clyde “Joe” Acuff
February 20, 1955 (Age 71 years)
Marriage of a childMenendeth Lancelot SnowNola Belle AcuffView this family
August 3, 1957 (Age 74 years)
Death October 12, 1957 (Age 74 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Milan Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 26, 1876Grainger, Tennessee, United States
15 months
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
3 years
Stokely Orval Acuff
Birth: February 27, 1883 27 34Tennessee, United States
Death: October 12, 1957Union, Tennessee, United States
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
Thomas Judson “Judd” Acuff
Birth: January 22, 1888 32 39Grainger, Tennessee, United States
Death: October 15, 1972Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, United States
3 years
younger brother
Family with Leona Oakes - View this family
Stokely Orval Acuff
Birth: February 27, 1883 27 34Tennessee, United States
Death: October 12, 1957Union, Tennessee, United States
Leona Oakes
Birth: February 28, 1878Tennessee, United States
Death: September 7, 1966Oak Ridge, Anderson, Tennessee, United States
Nola Belle Acuff
Birth: April 14, 1914 31 36Union, Tennessee, United States
Death: January 15, 1998Crossville, Cumberland, Tennessee, United States

Stokely Orval Acuff has 22 first cousins recorded

1900 census says May 1884
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Joseph Clyde “Joe” Acuff - Household

Union, TN

Joseph C AcuffheadWMMar187822M4TNTNTNFarmer
Mollie AcuffwifeWFOct186930M466KYKYKY
Walter AcuffsonWMOct188514SKYTNKYFarm Laborer
Give F AcuffsonWMFeb189010SKYTNKYFarm Laborer
Bertha T AcuffdaughterWFJan18928SKYTNKY
Clarence H AcuffsonWMMar18946SKYTNKY
Floyd A AcuffsonWMJan18982SKYTNKY
Fannie AcuffdaughterWFDec18995mSKYTNKY
Orval AcuffbrotherWMMay188416MTNTNTNFarm Laborer

Joseph is too young for 4 oldest children - says married 4 yrs. -b

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Rev. James Thomas Acuff - Household

Jefferson, Tennessee

Acuff, ThomasheadWMApr185545M23TNTNTNFarmer
Acuff, FanniewifeWFAug184950M2366TNTNTN
Acuff, BerthadaughterWFMar188020STNTNTN
Acuff, OrvillesonWMFeb188317STNTNTNFarm laborer
Acuff, MinniedaughterWFNov188514STNTNTN
Acuff, JudsonsonWMJan188713STNTNTNFarm laborer
Acuff, CharliesonWMJan18919STNTNTNAt school