Sarah Lounettie MillerAge: 82 years1907–1990
- Name
- Sarah Lounettie Miller
- Given names
- Sarah Lounettie
- Surname
- Miller
Birth | November 16, 1907 20 24 |
Birth of a sister | Edel Vesta Miller November 3, 1910 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Greene Gar Miller December 18, 1913 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a brother | Isaac Elihu Miller December 23, 1915 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a brother | Celo Perkins Miller August 14, 1917 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a brother | Greene Gar Miller December 28, 1918 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a brother | Judson Buster Miller May 4, 1920 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a sister | Sophia Miller September 20, 1922 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a sister | Sophia Miller October 12, 1922 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Mary Jane Lambert December 16, 1925 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Elihu Greene July 3, 1926 (Age 18 years) Cause: Arteriosclerosis |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Sarah Lucinda Gragg November 11, 1931 (Age 23 years) Cause: No doctor - Old Age? |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Isaac C Miller June 4, 1936 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a brother | Celo Perkins Miller May 8, 1945 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a father | Thomas Green Miller September 15, 1950 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a mother | Sophia Catherine Greene May 12, 1969 (Age 61 years) |
Death | March 21, 1990 (Age 82 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas Green Miller Birth: July 1, 1887 30 33 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: September 15, 1950 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
mother |
Sophia Catherine Greene Birth: April 12, 1883 36 41 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: May 12, 1969 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
Marriage: November 10, 1905 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States |
13 months elder sister |
Hester Hattie Miller Birth: December 2, 1906 19 23 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: September 29, 2000 — Forsyth, North Carolina, United States |
11 months herself |
Sarah Lounettie Miller Birth: November 16, 1907 20 24 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: March 21, 1990 — Forsyth, North Carolina, United States |
3 years younger sister |
Edel Vesta Miller Birth: November 3, 1910 23 27 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: June 6, 1993 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
3 years younger brother |
Greene Gar Miller Birth: December 18, 1913 26 30 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: December 28, 1918 |
2 years younger brother |
Isaac Elihu Miller Birth: December 23, 1915 28 32 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: December 14, 1997 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
20 months younger brother |
Celo Perkins Miller Birth: August 14, 1917 30 34 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: May 8, 1945 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
3 years younger brother |
Judson Buster Miller Birth: May 4, 1920 32 37 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: April 12, 1995 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
2 years younger sister |
Sophia Miller Birth: September 20, 1922 35 39 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States Death: October 12, 1922 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |