Robert C MaleyAge: 22 years1874–1897
- Name
- Robert C Maley
- Given names
- Robert C
- Surname
- Maley
Birth | October 16, 1874 34 42 |
Birth of a sister | Nannie Mae Maley May 5, 1878 (Age 3 years) |
Census | June 1, 1880 (Age 5 years) |
Death | January 28, 1897 (Age 22 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jesse H Maley Birth: May 13, 1840 — North Carolina, United States Death: July 29, 1897 — North Carolina, United States |
mother |
Charlotte Jane Shemwell Birth: January 1, 1832 42 31 — North Carolina, United States Death: May 27, 1899 — North Carolina, United States |
Marriage: March 29, 1866 — Davidson, North Carolina, United States |
11 months elder brother |
John L Maley Birth: March 10, 1867 26 35 — North Carolina, United States Death: November 28, 1901 |
4 years elder brother |
Edward H F Maley Birth: August 1870 30 38 — North Carolina, United States Death: |
4 years himself |
Robert C Maley Birth: October 16, 1874 34 42 — North Carolina, United States Death: January 28, 1897 — North Carolina, United States |
4 years younger sister |
Nannie Mae Maley Birth: May 5, 1878 37 46 — North Carolina, United States Death: December 12, 1974 — Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States |
Mother’s family with Casper A Owen |
step-father |
Casper A Owen Birth: about 1830 21 — North Carolina, United States Death: June 1864 |
mother |
Charlotte Jane Shemwell Birth: January 1, 1832 42 31 — North Carolina, United States Death: May 27, 1899 — North Carolina, United States |
Marriage: November 6, 1852 — Davidson, North Carolina, United States |
4 years half-brother |
Sylvester Lee Owen Birth: August 12, 1856 26 24 — North Carolina, United States Death: August 1, 1938 — Davidson, North Carolina, United States |
3 years half-brother |
Walter William Owen Birth: December 7, 1859 29 27 — Davidson, North Carolina, United States Death: January 14, 1904 |
Robert C Maley has 39 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (39)
Parents James Isaac Shemwell + … …
Parents Poindexter Shemwell + Elizabeth J McClennan
Parents Alexander “Alex” Shemwell Jr. + Catharine Reed
Parents John L Reid + Louisa Shemwell
Parents Whitson Berry Shemwell + Margaret Elizabeth Oldham
Parents Dr. Obediah Marcellus Shemwell + Sarah Elizabeth “Sally” Thompson
Parents Robert Alexander Yarborough + Margaret Shemwell
Census | 1880 United States - Census transcript - Jesse H Maley - Household
Cotton Grove, Davidson, NC