Ruby Nell HodgesAge: 8 months1934–1935
- Name
- Ruby Nell Hodges
- Given names
- Ruby Nell
- Surname
- Hodges
Birth | August 4, 1934 23 18 |
Death | April 27, 1935 (Age 8 months) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Lone Oak Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Otis Lee Hodges Birth: calculated 1911 27 25 — Smackover, Union, Arkansas, United States Death: March 1987 — Smackover, Union, Arkansas, United States |
mother |
Evalina Coke Birth: September 29, 1915 30 25 — El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, United States Death: January 21, 2005 — El Dorado, Union, Arkansas, United States |
herself |
Ruby Nell Hodges Birth: August 4, 1934 23 18 — Union, Arkansas, United States Death: April 27, 1935 — Union, Arkansas, United States |
14 years younger sister |
Wanda L Hodges Birth: August 25, 1948 37 32 — Union, Arkansas, United States Death: January 10, 1997 — Union, Arkansas, United States |
-8 years younger brother |
Cecil M Hodges Birth: January 24, 1941 30 25 Death: May 3, 2000 |
sister |
Private |
brother |
Private |
Ruby Nell Hodges has 6 first cousins recorded
Father's family (6)
Parents Floyd Pugh + Etta M Hodges
Parents Winfry Rhodes + Etta M Hodges