The Shemwell Family

Warham Eastey AdkinsAge: 68 years18691938

Warham Eastey Adkins
Given names
Warham Eastey
Birth July 4, 1869 30 35
Historical Event
Transcontinental Railroad completed

Note: The First Transcontinental Railroad was a 1,907-mile contiguous railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 across the western United States to connect the Pacific coast with the existing Eastern U.S. rail network -
Census June 4, 1870 (Age 11 months)
Birth of a brotherWalter William Adkins
May 26, 1874 (Age 4 years)
Historical Event
Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878
1878 (Age 8 years)

Note: Over 13,000 deaths occurred from yellow fever in lower Mississippi Valley -
Birth of a sisterLillie Rebecca Adkins
calculated 1879 (Age 9 years)
Census June 14, 1880 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMillie Rector
March 4, 1885 (Age 15 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherNancy Chandler
March 1, 1890 (Age 20 years)
Historical Event
Spanish-American War
between April 1898 and August 1898 (Age 28 years)
Note: The Spanish-American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, the result of American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence -
Death of a motherRebecca Needham
July 22, 1909 (Age 40 years)
Death of a fatherHenry Adkins
April 12, 1915 (Age 45 years)
Historical Event
Polio Epidemic
1916 (Age 46 years)

Note: Over 7,000 deaths and 27,363 cases reported in America's worst polio (infantile paralysis) epidemic -
Historical Event
World War I
between 1917 and November 1918 (Age 47 years)

Note: The United States enters 'The Great War' where more than nine million combatants were killed-
Historical Event
Spanish Influenza Epidemic
1918 (Age 48 years)

Note: Spanish Influenza killed over 500,000 people in the United States, and somewhere between 20 and 40 million in what has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in history -
Death of a brotherZachariah Taylor “Zebb” Adkins
September 12, 1922 (Age 53 years)
Death of a sisterNancy Adlay “Nan” Adkins
1925 (Age 55 years)
Historical Event
The Great Depression
October 1929 (Age 60 years)

Note: The Wall Street Crash sets off the Great Depression, the most severe worldwide economic depression in the 20th century -
Death of a sisterLillie Rebecca Adkins
after 1935 (Age 65 years)

Death of a brotherSamuel M Adkins
December 2, 1937 (Age 68 years)

Death April 16, 1938 (Age 68 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 28, 1856Grainger, Tennessee, United States
9 months
elder brother
Samuel M Adkins
Birth: May 8, 1857 18 22Grainger, Tennessee, United States
Death: December 2, 1937
22 months
elder brother
Zachariah Taylor “Zebb” Adkins
Birth: February 28, 1859 19 24Grainger, Tennessee, United States
Death: September 12, 1922Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, United States
7 years
elder sister
Cordelia “Delia” Adkins
Birth: calculated 1865 25 30Grainger, Tennessee, United States
Death: November 26, 1960Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States
2 years
elder sister
2 years
Warham Eastey Adkins
Birth: July 4, 1869 30 35Grainger, Tennessee, United States
Death: April 16, 1938Amarillo, Potter, Texas, United States
5 years
younger brother
Walter William Adkins
Birth: May 26, 1874 35 39Grainger, Tennessee, United States
Death: May 25, 1942Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, United States
6 years
younger sister

Warham Eastey Adkins has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Henry Adkins - Household

Powder Springs Granger, Tennessee

Adkins, Henryhead31MWFarmerTN
Adkins, Rebeccawife34FWKeeping HouseTN
Adkins, Samuelson13MWFarm LaborerTN
Adkins, Zachariahson11MWFarm LaborerTN
Adkins, Cordeliadaughter5FWTN
Adkins, Nancydaughter3FWTN
Adkins, Warhamson11mMWTNJul

Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Henry Adkins - Household

Dist. 14 Granger, Tennessee

Adkins, HenryWM42headMFarmerDisease of liver?TNTNTN
Adkins, RebeccaWF44wifeMKeeping HouseTNTNTN
Adkins, CordeliaWF15daughterSAt HomeTNTNTN
Adkins, S MWM25sonSFarmerTNTNTN
Adkins, NancyWF13daughterSAt HomeTNTNTN
Adkins, W EWM10sonSAt HomeTNTNTN
Adkins, Wm WWM6sonSTNTNTN
Adkins, Llla AWF9mdaughterATNTNTN