The Shemwell Family

Nora Ray ProctorAge: 44 years18881932

Nora Ray Proctor
Given names
Nora Ray
Married name
Nora Ray Barrow
Married name
Nora Ray Williamson
Birth May 1888
Historical Event
Spanish-American War
between April 1898 and August 1898 (Age 9 years)
Note: The Spanish-American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, the result of American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence -
MarriageRoy Cleveland WilliamsonView this family
September 2, 1904 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a daughter
Lula Williamson
calculated 1905 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a daughter
Lima Mae Williamson
about 1909 (Age 20 years)
Historical Event
Polio Epidemic
1916 (Age 27 years)

Note: Over 7,000 deaths and 27,363 cases reported in America's worst polio (infantile paralysis) epidemic -
MarriageJames Harrison “Harry” BarrowView this family
between 1917 and 1920 (Age 28 years)

Historical Event
World War I
between 1917 and November 1918 (Age 28 years)

Note: The United States enters 'The Great War' where more than nine million combatants were killed-
Historical Event
Spanish Influenza Epidemic
1918 (Age 29 years)

Note: Spanish Influenza killed over 500,000 people in the United States, and somewhere between 20 and 40 million in what has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in history -
Census January 14, 1920 (Age 31 years)
Historical Event
The Great Depression
October 1929 (Age 41 years)

Note: The Wall Street Crash sets off the Great Depression, the most severe worldwide economic depression in the 20th century -
Census April 6, 1930 (Age 41 years)
Death June 29, 1932 (Age 44 years)
Family with James Harrison “Harry” Barrow - View this family
Marriage: between 1917 and 1920
Family with Roy Cleveland Williamson - View this family
Marriage: September 2, 1904Independence, Montgomery, Kansas, United States
16 months
Lula Williamson
Birth: calculated 1905 20 16Kansas, United States
Death: January 16, 1996Los Angeles, California, United States
5 years
Lima Mae Williamson
Birth: about 1909 24 20Kansas, United States
Death: March 11, 2006Harbor City, Los Angeles, California, United States
James Harrison “Harry” Barrow + Myrtle Viola Miller - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: June 1900Fort Scott, Bourbon, Kansas, United States
11 months
Edith L Barrow
Birth: May 12, 1901 25 19Fort Scott, Bourbon, Kansas, United States
Death: September 26, 1994Evanston, Uinta, Wyoming, United States
23 months
Elmer Loyd Barrow
Birth: April 6, 1903 27 21Iowa, United States
Death: July 4, 1979Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
10 months
Ernest Clyde Barrow
Birth: January 24, 1904 28 22Iowa, United States
Death: July 1963Wheat Ridge, Jefferson, Colorado, United States
James Harrison “Harry” Barrow + Bessie Louise Ridpath - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: after 1950

No family available

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - James Harrison “Harry” Barrow - Household

811 23rd St. Denver, Denver, Colorado

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Barrow, Jas HarrisonheadMW42MIAUSUSCarpenterRailroad Shop
Barrow, Nora RaywifeFW31MKSINKS
Barrow, Elmer LsonMW16SIAIAMOElevator BoyManage Co
Williamson, Lula Mstep daughterFW15SKSKSKS
Williamson, Lima Maestep daughterFW11SKSKSKS
Barrow, Ernest ClydesonMW14SIAIAMO
Morris, Earl AlphuslodgerMW39SUSUSUSlaborerClaim work
Rowell, WilliamlodgerMW32WUSUSUSpresserTaylor Shop

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - James Harrison “Harry” Barrow - Household

1319 West Moreland Ave Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Barrow, James HheadMW55M21IAUSUSCarpenterOdd jobs
Barrow, Nora RwifeFW41M16KSKSIN
Barrow, Elmer LsonMW27SIAIAKSClerkTelephone Company