The Shemwell Family

Albert L “Bud” McMillanAge: 82 years19292012

Albert L “Bud” McMillan
Given names
Albert L
Birth November 10, 1929 44 30
Census April 9, 1930 (Age 4 months)
Census April 10, 1940 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam Thomas McMillan
March 6, 1941 (Age 11 years)
Death of a fatherAlbert Lloyd McMillan
December 22, 1949 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Robert Charles McMillan
June 15, 1955 (Age 25 years)
Death of a motherCatherine M “Kate” Bearinger
November 9, 1959 (Age 29 years)
Death of a wifeJoanne Louise Thomson
October 6, 1988 (Age 58 years)
Death of a sisterOlive Elizabeth McMillan
August 5, 2004 (Age 74 years)
Death of a sisterMargaret Jean McMillan
March 19, 2010 (Age 80 years)
Death September 30, 2012 (Age 82 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 2, 1921Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, United States
2 years
elder sister
Margaret Jean McMillan
Birth: June 25, 1923 38 23Erin, Houston, Tennessee, United States
Death: March 19, 2010Hastings, Barry, Michigan, United States
18 months
elder sister
Vera Catherine McMillan
Birth: December 11, 1924 39 25Erin, Houston, Tennessee, United States
Death: October 11, 2015Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
3 years
elder sister
Olive Elizabeth McMillan
Birth: July 9, 1927 42 27Erin, Houston, Tennessee, United States
Death: August 5, 2004Ceresco, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
2 years
Albert L “Bud” McMillan
Birth: November 10, 1929 44 30Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Death: September 30, 2012Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Family with Joanne Louise Thomson - View this family
Albert L “Bud” McMillan
Birth: November 10, 1929 44 30Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Death: September 30, 2012Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Joanne Louise Thomson
Birth: July 8, 1929Albion, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Death: October 6, 1988Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Robert Charles McMillan
Birth: June 15, 1955 25 25Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Death: March 14, 2014Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States

Albert L “Bud” McMillan has 5 first cousins recorded

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Albert Lloyd McMillan - Household

26 Winter Street Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan

McMillan, Albert LheadMW45M35TNTNPAWelderFood factory
McMillan, Catherine MwifeFW29M21MICanada EngMI
McMillan, Margaret JdaughterFW6STNTNMI
McMillan, Vera CdaughterFW5STNTNMI
McMillan, Olive EdaughterFW2-8mMTNTNMI
McMillan, Albert LsonMW4mSMITNMI

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Walter Hudson - Household

178 Battle Creek Ave. Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan

McMillan, AlbertheadMW52WdTNSame PlaceMachinistFood Factory
McMillan, MargaretdaughterFW16STNSame Place
McMillan, VeradaughterFW15STNSame Place
McMillan, OlivedaughterFW12STNSame Place
McMillan, AlbertsonMW10SMISame Place

Lodgers - Says Albert is Widowed but Kate does not die until 1959. -b