The Shemwell Family

Irene FishAge: 61 years19492010

Irene Fish
Given names
Birth April 11, 1949 28 24
Birth of a brotherRonnie Lee Fish
May 28, 1950 (Age 13 months)
Death of a brotherRonnie Lee Fish
October 11, 1950 (Age 18 months)
Cause: Marasmus
Historical Event
Korean War
between 1950 and 1953 (Age 8 months)
Note: The Korean War was a war between the Republic of Korea (South Korea), supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), at one time supported by the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union -
Death of a maternal grandmotherMary Virginia “Jennie” Shemwell
January 14, 1966 (Age 16 years)
Historical Event
Vietnam War
between 1946 and 1975
Note: The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The divisive war, increasingly unpopular at home, ended with the withdrawal of U.S. forces in 1973 and the unification of Vietnam under Communist control two years later. More than 3 million people, including 58,000 Americans, were killed in the conflict. -
Death of a motherEmma Pauline Cumbee
May 6, 1987 (Age 38 years)
Death of a fatherOwen Thomas Fish
April 10, 1996 (Age 46 years)
Death of a brotherCarl Ray Fish
May 6, 2006 (Age 57 years)
Death June 20, 2010 (Age 61 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Owen Thomas Fish
Birth: August 5, 1920Todd, Kentucky, United States
Death: April 10, 1996Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, United States
Emma Pauline Cumbee
Birth: September 15, 1924 34 30Kentucky, United States
Death: May 6, 1987Hopkins, Kentucky, United States
elder brother
Carl Ray Fish
Birth: July 27, 1945 24 20Todd, Kentucky, United States
Death: May 6, 2006Warren, Kentucky, United States
4 years
Irene Fish
Birth: April 11, 1949 28 24Todd, Kentucky, United States
Death: June 20, 2010Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, United States
14 months
younger brother
Ronnie Lee Fish
Birth: May 28, 1950 29 25Todd, Kentucky, United States
Death: October 11, 1950Todd, Kentucky, United States

Irene Fish has 10 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (10)

Parents Thomas D Cumbee + Ima Lorene Stokes
1David E Cumbee19421981
Parents Private + Private
Parents Robert Jewel Gant + Fanny Blanche Cumbee
1Thomas O'Neal Gant19462008
2Alma Ruth Gant19531967
3Lewis Ray Gant19621985