The Shemwell Family

Susie Walters HodgesAge: 69 years18981968

Susie Walters Hodges
Given names
Susie Walters
Married name
Susie Walters Arey
Birth December 23, 1898
MarriageKerr Craige AreyView this family
March 31, 1923 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Kerr Craige Arey Jr.
January 30, 1925 (Age 26 years)
Census April 7, 1930 (Age 31 years)
Census April 15, 1940 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childKerr Craige Arey Jr.Mary Anne “Anna” SlaughterView this family
October 9, 1948 (Age 49 years)
Death of a husbandKerr Craige Arey
February 20, 1958 (Age 59 years)
Death May 20, 1968 (Age 69 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Highland Burial Park
Family with Kerr Craige Arey - View this family
Kerr Craige Arey
Birth: January 24, 1890 33 32Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Death: February 20, 1958Danville, Virginia, United States
Susie Walters Hodges
Birth: December 23, 1898Caswell, North Carolina, United States
Death: May 20, 1968Danville, Virginia, United States
Marriage: March 31, 1923Danville, Virginia, United States
22 months
Kerr Craige Arey Jr.
Birth: January 30, 1925 35 26Virginia, United States
Death: June 27, 1990Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina, United States

No family available

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Kerr Craige Arey - Household

281 Caroline Ave. Danville, Virginia

Arey, Kerr CheadMW42MNCNCNCProprietorOil & Gas Station
Arey, Susie WwifeFW32MNCNCNC
Arey, Kerr C JrsonMW5MVANCNC

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Kerr Craige Arey - Household

Danville, Virginia

Arey, Kerr ClarkheadMW51MNCSame houseProprietorWholesale Wine
Arey, SusieXwifeFW40MNCSame house
Arey, Kerr C Jr.sonMW15MVASame house