Ellen Beulah McCloudAge: 83 years1894–1977
- Name
- Ellen Beulah McCloud
- Given names
- Ellen Beulah
- Surname
- McCloud
- Married name
- Ellen Beulah Hobbs
Birth | May 15, 1894 |
Marriage | Joel Gaston Hobbs — View this family unknown |
Birth of a son #1 | Hoyett Travis Hobbs April 22, 1926 (Age 31 years) |
Death | August 8, 1977 (Age 83 years) |
Family with Joel Gaston Hobbs |
husband |
Joel Gaston Hobbs Birth: August 2, 1893 Death: February 17, 1978 |
herself |
Ellen Beulah McCloud Birth: May 15, 1894 Death: August 8, 1977 |
Marriage: — |
son |
Hoyett Travis Hobbs Birth: April 22, 1926 32 31 Death: May 31, 2006 |