Horace Kent MikealAge: 77 years1902–1980
- Name
- Horace Kent Mikeal
- Given names
- Horace Kent
- Surname
- Mikeal
Birth | November 26, 1902 29 32 |
Birth of a sister | Cora Lucy Mikeal June 4, 1904 (Age 18 months) |
Birth of a brother | Morris Boone Mikeal August 3, 1908 (Age 5 years) |
Birth of a brother | Herbert Boyd Mikeal March 11, 1911 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Isaac Mikeal between 1910 and 1920 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Celia Greene December 4, 1921 (Age 19 years) |
Death of a father | Smith Patrick Mikeal April 4, 1931 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | William Willis “Bill” Greene November 13, 1938 (Age 35 years) |
Death of a brother | Coy Clifton Mikeal April 23, 1950 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a brother | William Loyde Mikeal August 1, 1956 (Age 53 years) |
Death of a mother | Victoria Clarinda Greene November 15, 1956 (Age 53 years) |
Death | March 9, 1980 (Age 77 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Smith Patrick Mikeal Birth: June 1, 1873 33 27 — North Carolina, United States Death: April 4, 1931 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
mother |
Victoria Clarinda Greene Birth: May 2, 1870 21 22 — Wilkes, North Carolina, United States Death: November 15, 1956 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
Marriage: March 23, 1890 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States |
2 years elder brother |
William Loyde Mikeal Birth: April 10, 1892 18 21 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: August 1, 1956 — Forsyth, North Carolina, United States |
2 years elder sister |
Audie Mikeal Birth: March 31, 1894 20 23 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: May 5, 1982 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
2 years elder brother |
Coy Clifton Mikeal Birth: May 8, 1896 22 26 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States Death: April 23, 1950 — Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
3 years elder sister |
Naomi Ann Mikeal Birth: December 25, 1898 25 28 — Watauga, North Carolina, United States Death: August 21, 1990 — Burke, North Carolina, United States |
4 years himself |
Horace Kent Mikeal Birth: November 26, 1902 29 32 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States Death: March 9, 1980 — Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States |
18 months younger sister |
Cora Lucy Mikeal Birth: June 4, 1904 31 34 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States Death: December 25, 1993 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
4 years younger brother |
Morris Boone Mikeal Birth: August 3, 1908 35 38 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States Death: April 27, 1987 — Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |
3 years younger brother |
Herbert Boyd Mikeal Birth: March 11, 1911 37 40 — Caldwell, North Carolina, United States Death: April 6, 1996 — Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina, United States |