The Shemwell Family

Francis C SherrodAge: 72 years18731946

Francis C Sherrod
Given names
Francis C
Married name
Francis C Cleavinger
Birth June 5, 1873 29 25
MarriageRev. James Presley CleavingerView this family

Birth of a sisterElizabeth “Lizzie” Sherrod
about 1877 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherJames Samuel “Jim” Sherrod
January 22, 1880 (Age 6 years)
Census June 18, 1880 (Age 7 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherSamuel Shemwell
August 28, 1881 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherHorace Drake Sherrod
September 5, 1885 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherNorwood Auston Sherrod
August 7, 1889 (Age 16 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherPermelia Belinda Rickman
September 30, 1910 (Age 37 years)
Death of a fatherFinis Washington Sherrod
April 30, 1919 (Age 45 years)
Death of a motherElizabeth Jane “Bettie” Shemwell
August 16, 1924 (Age 51 years)
Death of a sisterNannie H Sherrod
March 15, 1934 (Age 60 years)
Cause: myocarditis; nephritis; ruptured cerebral artery followed cardio block
Burial of a sisterNannie H Sherrod
March 17, 1934 (Age 60 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Gant Cemetery
Death of a husbandRev. James Presley Cleavinger
January 11, 1938 (Age 64 years)
Death of a sisterSarah Permelia Sherrod
May 8, 1940 (Age 66 years)
Death of a brotherNorwood Auston Sherrod
August 16, 1941 (Age 68 years)
Death January 23, 1946 (Age 72 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Gant Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 2, 1866Todd, Kentucky, United States
3 years
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
19 months
Francis C Sherrod
Birth: June 5, 1873 29 25Todd, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 23, 1946Logan, Kentucky, United States
5 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
6 years
younger brother
Horace Drake Sherrod
Birth: September 5, 1885 42 37Kentucky, United States
Death: February 13, 1960Logan, Kentucky, United States
4 years
younger brother
Norwood Auston Sherrod
Birth: August 7, 1889 45 41Kentucky, United States
Death: August 16, 1941Jefferson, Kentucky, United States
Family with Rev. James Presley Cleavinger - View this family
Rev. James Presley Cleavinger
Birth: April 5, 1869Kentucky, United States
Death: January 11, 1938Todd, Kentucky, United States
Francis C Sherrod
Birth: June 5, 1873 29 25Todd, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 23, 1946Logan, Kentucky, United States

Francis C Sherrod has 19 first cousins recorded

Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Finis Washington Sherrod - Household

Sharon, Todd, KY

Finis W SherrodWM39headMFarmerKYKYSC
Betty J SherrodWF35wifeMKeeping HouseKYKYTN
Nannie H SherrodWF11daughterSKYKYKY
Permelia SherrodWF8daughterSKYKYKY
Francis G SherrodWF6daughterSKYKYKY
Lizzie C SherrodWF3daughterSKYKYKY
James S T SherrodWM4mJansonSKYKYKY