The Shemwell Family

Jacob ParkeAge: 38 years18351874

Jacob Parke
Given names
Birth June 25, 1835 25 24
Birth of a brotherBazel Perry Parke
July 12, 1838 (Age 3 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnn “Nancy” Shemwell
about 1840 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterSarah “Sally” Parke
April 16, 1841 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a sisterDelilah Parke
February 25, 1843 (Age 7 years)
Death of a motherMary “Polly” Hacket
April 26, 1844 (Age 8 years)
Death of a brotherBazel Perry Parke
August 13, 1844 (Age 9 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherJames Parke Sr.
before 1846 (Age 10 years)
Marriage of a parentElbert Taylor Parke Sr.Polly Ann TharpView this family
December 27, 1846 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a half-brotherElbert Taylor Parke Jr.
March 31, 1848 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a half-sisterPolly Ann Parke
August 10, 1850 (Age 15 years)
Census December 19, 1850 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a half-sisterNancy Jane Parke
April 2, 1852 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a half-brotherOliver Hazzard “Perry” Parke
March 20, 1854 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a half-sisterLydia Leoma Parke
April 18, 1856 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a half-sisterViola Alverda Parke
August 15, 1858 (Age 23 years)
Death of a half-sisterLydia Leoma Parke
December 11, 1860 (Age 25 years)
Civil War
between 1861 and 1865 (Age 25 years)
Census June 16, 1870 (Age 34 years)
MarriageMary Elizabeth GatewoodView this family
February 9, 1872 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a son
William Marion Francis Parke
November 24, 1872 (Age 37 years)
Death May 11, 1874 (Age 38 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Park Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 20, 1831Madison, Kentucky, United States
21 months
elder brother
2 years
Jacob Parke
Birth: June 25, 1835 25 24Madison, Kentucky, United States
Death: May 11, 1874Linn, Kansas, United States
3 years
younger brother
Bazel Perry Parke
Birth: July 12, 1838 29 27Madison, Kentucky, United States
Death: August 13, 1844
3 years
younger sister
Sarah “Sally” Parke
Birth: April 16, 1841 31 30Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Death: October 1927Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States
22 months
younger sister
Father’s family with Polly Ann Tharp - View this family
Marriage: December 27, 1846Pekin, Tazewell, Illinois, United States
15 months
Elbert Taylor Parke Jr.
Birth: March 31, 1848 38 30Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Death: May 12, 1916Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
2 years
Polly Ann Parke
Birth: August 10, 1850 41 32Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Death: December 31, 1922Pleasanton, Linn, Kansas, United States
20 months
Nancy Jane Parke
Birth: April 2, 1852 42 34Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Death: February 16, 1905Gravity, Taylor, Iowa, United States
2 years
Oliver Hazzard “Perry” Parke
Birth: March 20, 1854 44 36Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Death: July 15, 1936Los Angeles, California, United States
2 years
Lydia Leoma Parke
Birth: April 18, 1856 46 38Tazewell, Illinois, United States
Death: December 11, 1860Tazewell, Illinois, United States
2 years
Family with Mary Elizabeth Gatewood - View this family
Jacob Parke
Birth: June 25, 1835 25 24Madison, Kentucky, United States
Death: May 11, 1874Linn, Kansas, United States
Mary Elizabeth Gatewood
Birth: March 6, 1852La Salle, La Salle, Illinois, United States
Death: May 18, 1901Muchakinock, Mahaska, Iowa, United States
Marriage: February 9, 1872Linn, Kansas, United States
9 months
John Theodore Misbach + Mary Elizabeth Gatewood - View this family
wife’s husband
John Theodore Misbach
Birth: August 21, 1855Hollowayville, Bureau, Illinois, United States
Death: December 24, 1928Mattoon, Coles, Illinois, United States
Mary Elizabeth Gatewood
Birth: March 6, 1852La Salle, La Salle, Illinois, United States
Death: May 18, 1901Muchakinock, Mahaska, Iowa, United States
Marriage: November 22, 1876

Jacob Parke has 13 first cousins recorded

Mother's family (0)

Census1850 United States - Census transcript - Elbert Parke - Household

Tazewell, Illinois

Elbert Parkehead41MWFarmerKY
Polly Parkewife32FWOH
Curtis Parkeson16MWFarmKY
Jacob Parkeson14MWFarmKY
Sarah Parkedaughter9FWIL
Delilah Parkedaughter7FWIL
Lucinda Woodstep daughter9FWIL
Andrew Woodstep son7MWIL
Taylor Woodson3MWIL
Mary Wooddaughter1FWIL

Taylor & Mary are Parke's

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Elbert Taylor Parke Sr. - Household

Potosi, Linn, Kansas

Parke, Elbert Thead60MWFarmerKY
Parke, Polly Awife52FWKeeping HouseOH
Parke, Elbert Tson22MWFarmerIL
Parke, Oliver Hson16MWFarmerIL
Parke, Viola Adaughter11FWAt HomeIL
Parke, Jacobson35MWFarmerKY