The Shemwell Family

Leo DeLacy MaloneyAge: 41 years18881929

Leo DeLacy Maloney
Given names
Leo DeLacy
Birth January 4, 1888 22 21
WWI Draft

Birth of a brotherRalph Emmett Maloney
April 16, 1890 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherGeorge Maloney
June 1892 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a sisterLois Olivia Maloney
April 1894 (Age 6 years)

Census June 1, 1900 (Age 12 years)
Marriage of a parentGeorge Edgar MaloneyOtilia Mary MancusView this family
October 2, 1902 (Age 14 years)

Birth of a sisterIrma Maloney
1905 (Age 16 years)
MarriageElizabeth PhillipsView this family
1907 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Maloney
1907 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a daughter
Leona Maloney
October 19, 1908 (Age 20 years)
Census April 21, 1910 (Age 22 years)
Death of a brotherRalph Emmett Maloney
February 16, 1919 (Age 31 years)
Census January 7, 1920 (Age 32 years)
Civil marriageGenevieve ShemwellView this family
January 25, 1923 (Age 35 years)
1926 (Age 37 years)

Actor; film director; film producer; screenwriter


Note: Appeared in 102 films, beginning in 1914. During the 1920s he owned the Leo Maloney Studio, a self-contained city in the San Bernadino Mountains (California) that housed 35 employees who lived there year-round. Scores of westerns were shot there, including 40 Maloney directed himself. He became ill (alcoholic) and unable to shoulder the cost of sound production. He sold his studio in 1929 and went to New York City. There, over a period of two months, he drank himself to death (had a heart attack).
Death November 2, 1929 (Age 41 years)
Cause of death: Heart attack
Note: Suffered a heart attack after a party, celebrating the completion of "Overland Bound" (192…
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Hollywood Memorial Park
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 22, 1885Santa Clara, California, United States
15 months
elder brother
Edgar Earl Maloney
Birth: June 10, 1886 20 20California, United States
Death: May 25, 1965Imperial, California, United States
19 months
Leo DeLacy Maloney
Birth: January 4, 1888 22 21Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, United States
Death: November 2, 1929Hotel Astor, New York, New York, United States
2 years
younger brother
Ralph Emmett Maloney
Birth: April 16, 1890 24 23California, United States
Death: February 16, 1919Alameda, California, United States
2 years
younger brother
23 months
younger sister
12 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Otilia Mary Mancus - View this family
Marriage: October 2, 1902
Family with Genevieve Shemwell - View this family
Leo DeLacy Maloney
Birth: January 4, 1888 22 21Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, United States
Death: November 2, 1929Hotel Astor, New York, New York, United States
Genevieve Shemwell
Birth: May 6, 1896 31 22Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States
Death: January 20, 1947Lassen, California, United States
Marriage: January 25, 1923Riverside, California, United States
Family with Elizabeth Phillips - View this family
Leo DeLacy Maloney
Birth: January 4, 1888 22 21Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, United States
Death: November 2, 1929Hotel Astor, New York, New York, United States
Marriage: 1907New York, United States
22 months
Leona Maloney
Birth: October 19, 1908 20 32New York, United States
Death: July 13, 1991Butte, California, United States
John Benjamin Van Beek + Genevieve Shemwell - View this family
wife’s husband
John Benjamin Van Beek
Birth: November 7, 1897St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Death: February 5, 1975San Bernardino, California, United States
Genevieve Shemwell
Birth: May 6, 1896 31 22Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States
Death: January 20, 1947Lassen, California, United States
Marriage: February 10, 1914Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States
Divorce: May 26, 1915Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States

Leo DeLacy Maloney has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - George Maloney - Household

San Jose, Santa Clara, California, United States

Maloney, GeorgeheadWMSep186534M15LAEnglandEnglandpainter
Maloney, OliviawifeWFJun186633M1555CANYIL
Maloney, EarlsonWMJun188613SCALACAat school
Maloney, LeosonWMJan188812SCALACAat school
Maloney, RalphsonWMApr189010SCALACAat school
Maloney, GeorgesonWMJun18927SCALACAat school
Maloney, LoisdaughterWFApr18946SCALACAat school

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Leo DeLacy Maloney - Household

Manhattan, New York, New York, United States

Maloney, Leo DheadMW27M3CALACAproduce dealerproduce company
Maloney, ElizabethwifeFW34M311NYNYNY
Maloney, LeonadaughterFW1 yr 5 moSNYCANY

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Leo DeLacy Maloney - Household

Burbank, Los Angeles, California, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Maloney, Leo DheadMW32MCACACAactormotion pictures
Maloney, ElizabethwifeFW43MNYNYNY
Maloney, Leona PdaughterFW11SNYCANY
Maloney, IrmasisterFW15SCACACA

Appeared in 102 films, beginning in 1914. During the 1920s he owned the Leo Maloney Studio, a self-contained city in the San Bernadino Mountains (California) that housed 35 employees who lived there year-round. Scores of westerns were shot there, including 40 Maloney directed himself. He became ill (alcoholic) and unable to shoulder the cost of sound production. He sold his studio in 1929 and went to New York City. There, over a period of two months, he drank himself to death (had a heart attack).
Suffered a heart attack after a party, celebrating the completion of "Overland Bound" (1929), his only talkie. His body was found in his room surrounded by empty liquor bottles.