The Shemwell Family

Henry Marquis PhillipsAge: 82 years18191902

Henry Marquis Phillips
Given names
Henry Marquis
Birth December 19, 1819
MarriageSarah KeartView this family
June 6, 1842 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a son
Frank J Phillips
November 1858 (Age 38 years)
Marriage of a childFrank J PhillipsViola Alverda ParkeView this family
January 31, 1882 (Age 62 years)
Birth of a grandson
Claud Marquis Phillips
November 14, 1882 (Age 62 years)
Birth of a grandson
John Elbert Phillips
July 2, 1889 (Age 69 years)
Census June 5, 1900 (Age 80 years)
Death May 6, 1902 (Age 82 years)
Family with Sarah Keart - View this family
Henry Marquis Phillips
Birth: December 19, 1819Pickaway, Ohio, United States
Death: May 6, 1902Mulhall, Logan, Oklahoma, United States
Marriage: June 6, 1842
17 years

No family available

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Frank J Phillips - Household

Baty Ave Mulhall, Logan, Oklahoma

Phillips, Frank JheadWMNov185841M18ILOHOHFlour Mill Packer
Phillips, Viola AwifeWFAug185841M1832ILKYOH
Phillips, Claud MsonWMNov188217SKSILILMill Hand
Phillips, Albert JsonWMJul188910SKSILIL
Phillips, Henry MfatherWMDec181782WdOHMDOH

John Elbert is Albert J -b