The Shemwell Family

Rosa Elnora “Rosie” ShemwellAge: 67 years18741941

Rosa Elnora “Rosie” Shemwell
Given names
Rosa Elnora
Married name
Rosa Elnora Armstrong
Birth February 13, 1874 22 19
Death of a motherMadora Cramer
November 17, 1874 (Age 9 months)
Cause: Typhoid fever
Census June 1, 1880 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherLouisa M Lee
October 28, 1886 (Age 12 years)
Civil marriageCharles Lee ArmstrongView this family
June 11, 1891 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a daughter
Annis Vinita Armstrong
July 13, 1895 (Age 21 years)
Marriage of a parentJohn William ShemwellCatherine J MartinView this family
Type: Religious marriage
May 6, 1897 (Age 23 years)
Census June 7, 1900 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Emma Lee Armstrong
December 17, 1903 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherGeorge Morton Shemwell
July 29, 1904 (Age 30 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherCornelia Webb
1906 (Age 31 years)
Census April 20, 1910 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childRobert Lewis NorthrupAnnis Vinita ArmstrongView this family
1915 (Age 40 years)

Birth of a grandson
Robert Lewis Northrup Jr.
January 11, 1916 (Age 41 years)
City Directory
Texas City Directory
1917 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a grandson
Preston Gaines “Buddie” Northrup II
August 8, 1918 (Age 44 years)
Census January 5, 1920 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph Herbert “Joe” DouglasEmma Lee ArmstrongView this family
June 26, 1923 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Dorothy Vinita Douglas
November 13, 1924 (Age 50 years)
Census April 15, 1930 (Age 56 years)
Address: District 121, 490 Telephone Road
Note: Living with husband, Charles Lee Armstrong; mother in law, Nancy C. Armstrong; and father, John William Shemwell. Daughter, Emma Lee, living next door with her family. Charles' occupation is public accountant.
Death of a fatherJohn William Shemwell
December 22, 1934 (Age 60 years)
Census April 18, 1940 (Age 66 years)
Death October 11, 1941 (Age 67 years)
Address: 3424 Telephone
Cause of death: Myocardial
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Forest Park Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Madora Cramer
Birth: 1855 22 20Missouri, United States
Death: November 17, 1874Brownsville, Saline, Missouri, United States
Marriage: January 9, 1873Cooper, Missouri, United States
13 months
Father’s family with Catherine J Martin - View this family
Catherine J Martin
Birth: September 1853 49 49Kentucky, United States
Death: May 6, 1933Los Angeles, California, United States
Marriage: May 6, 1897Marshall, Saline, Missouri, United States
Family with Charles Lee Armstrong - View this family
Charles Lee Armstrong
Birth: February 6, 1870 31 29Pilot Grove, Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: February 28, 1956Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
Marriage: June 11, 1891Muskogee, Oklahoma, United States
4 years
Annis Vinita Armstrong
Birth: July 13, 1895 25 21Pilot Grove, Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: March 29, 1965Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
8 years
Emma Lee Armstrong
Birth: December 17, 1903 33 29Hepler, Crawford, Kansas, United States
Death: November 24, 1966Houston, Harris, Texas, United States

Rosa Elnora “Rosie” Shemwell has 49 first cousins recorded

Father's family (40)

Parents William David Shemwell + Lucy Elizabeth Platt
2Ida Mae Shemwell18691959
10Infant Shemwell18871887
Parents Alexander Taylor Shemwell + Melvina Pamelia Thompson
1Gertrude Shemwell18901908
2Alta M Shemwell18921996
4Ruth Shemwell18961969
Parents Sylvester Penic Shemwell + Eva Ann Cramer
2Ella J Shemwell18811964
Parents William Nicholas McMahan + Anna Elizabeth “Annie” Shemwell
4Annie McMahan18911900
Parents Ishamel Higdon Whitlow + Sarah M “Sallie” Shemwell
1Flora Dell Whitlow18801959
2Nellie Whitlow18821902
5Nettie Whitlow18891927
6Orpha Whitlow18921901
7Henry Clay Whitlow18941972
8John Whitlow18981983
Parents James Finley Burris + Mary Louisa Shemwell
2Dorval Burris18851963
3Ora Raymond Burris18871954
4Etta Lee Burris18911979
Parents George William Brady + Louella “Lula” Carrie Shemwell
3Andrew Louis Brady18951942
Census1880 United States - Census transcript - George Morton Shemwell - Household

Lamine, Cooper, Missouri

G M ShemwellWM56headMMFarmerKYNCVA
Louisa ShemwellWF50wifeMMKeeping houseKYKYKY
A T ShemwellWM32sonSSFarm laborerKYKYKY
Mary ShemwellWF14daughterSSAt homeMOKYKY
Louella ShemwellWF9daughterSSMOKYKY
Rosie ShemwellWF6grand-daughterSSMOKYMO
John ShemwellWM28sonSWDCarpenterKYKYKY

Text: Living with grandparents, George Morton and Louisa Shemwell, and father, John William Shemwell. Madora Cramer Shemwell, mother, had died.

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Rosa Elnora “Rosie” Shemwell - Household

Henry, Missouri, United States

Armstrong, C LheadWMFeb187030M9MOTNVArailroad operator
Armstrong, Rosa EheadWFFeb187624M811MOKYMO
Armstrong, VinitadaughterWFJul18945SMOMOMO

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Charles Lee Armstrong - Household

1018 Fairacres Ave Houston, Harris, Texas

Armstrong, Charles LheadMW40M117MOTNVABook keeperCommission House
Armstrong, Rosa EwifeFW34M11742MOKYMO
Armstrong, VanitadaughterFW15SMOMOMO
Armstrong, Emme LeedaughterFW8SKSMOMO
Armstrong, HannibalfatherMW71M147TNTNTN
Armstrong, NancymotherFW66M147VAVAVA

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Charles Lee Armstrong - Household

1018 Fairview Houston, Harris, Texas

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Armstrong, Charles LheadMW45MMOUSUSAccountantPublic
Armstrong, RosiewifeFW40MMOUSUS
Armstrong, VinitadaughterFW24MMOMOMO
Armstrong, Emma LdaughterFW18SKSMOMO

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Charles Lee Armstrong - Household

Block 1965 Houston, Harris, Texas

Chas L ArmstrongheadMW60M21MOTNVAAccountant
Rosa E ArmstrongwifeFW54M17MOMOMO
Nancy C ArmstrongmotherFW82WdVAVAVA
John W Shemwellfather in lawMW76WdMOKYKY

Living with husband, Charles Lee Armstrong; mother in law, Nancy C. Armstrong; and father, John William Shemwell. Daughter, Emma Lee, living next door with her family. Charles' occupation is public accountant.
Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Charles Lee Armstrong - Household

3424 Telephone Houston, Harris, Texas

Armstrong, Charles LheadMW69MMOsame placeCertified Public AccountantOwn Business
Armstrong, Rosie EXwifeFW65MMOsame place
Armstrong, NancymotherFW98WdVAsame place
Judy, RobertlodgerMW19SMOsame placeCooperMOStuff DucksDuck factory