The Shemwell Family

Luther Erie HooperAge: 35 years18821918

Luther Erie Hooper
Given names
Luther Erie
Birth February 13, 1882 22 27
Birth of a brotherClay Hooper
about 1882
Birth of a sisterEstelle C Hooper
about 1886 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterLouvenia D “Lue” Hooper
about 1889 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterJessie Farmer Hooper
June 1894 (Age 12 years)
Death of a fatherFranklin Lee Hooper
about 1895 (Age 12 years)
Note: Not listed in the 1900 Census with his daughter, Jessie.
Death of a motherMary Farmer Burton
about 1895 (Age 12 years)
Note: Not listed in the 1900 Census with her daughter, Jessie.
Death of a brotherClay Hooper
before 1900 (Age 17 years)
Note: His mother lists 4 living children in the 1900 Census. His 4 siblings are accounted for in other records; so, he must have died prior to 1900.
MarriageMary Mae McGeheeView this family
May 29, 1905 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Olive Fern Hooper
May 15, 1906 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Vivian L Hooper
April 16, 1908 (Age 26 years)
Census April 15, 1910 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ovella Audrey Hooper
July 27, 1910 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a son
Luther Wayne Hooper
September 30, 1913 (Age 31 years)
Luther Erie Hooper - WWI Draft Registration
September 12, 1918 (Age 36 years)
Death 1918 (Age 35 years)
Note: Known in the family that he died in the 1918 flu epidemic
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: White Rose Cemetery
Note: Epitaph: "Father"
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 4, 1880Logan, Arkansas, United States
2 years
Clay Hooper
Birth: about 1882 22 27Logan, Arkansas, United States
Death: before 1900Arkansas, United States
1 month
Luther Erie Hooper
Birth: February 13, 1882 22 27Alpena, Boone, Arkansas, United States
Death: 1918Bartlesville, Washington, Oklahoma, United States
5 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Louvenia D “Lue” Hooper
Birth: about 1889 29 34Logan, Arkansas, United States
Death: March 3, 1956Fairfax, Osage, Oklahoma, United States
6 years
younger sister
Jessie Farmer Hooper
Birth: June 1894 34 39Magazine, Logan, Arkansas, United States
Death: September 20, 1936Sugar Grove, Logan, Arkansas, United States
Family with Mary Mae McGehee - View this family
Luther Erie Hooper
Birth: February 13, 1882 22 27Alpena, Boone, Arkansas, United States
Death: 1918Bartlesville, Washington, Oklahoma, United States
Marriage: May 29, 1905Washington, Arkansas, United States
1 year
Olive Fern Hooper
Birth: May 15, 1906 24 19Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States
Death: July 10, 1958Newcastle, Weston, Wyoming, United States
23 months
Vivian L Hooper
Birth: April 16, 1908 26 20Arkansas, United States
Death: February 12, 1996Grove, Delaware, Oklahoma, United States
2 years
Ovella Audrey Hooper
Birth: July 27, 1910 28 23Arkansas, United States
Death: October 1978El Dorado, Butler, Kansas, United States
3 years
Luther Wayne Hooper
Birth: September 30, 1913 31 26Rogers, Benton, Arkansas, United States
Death: April 8, 1995Jefferson, Colorado, United States
Edmund Ralston + Mary Mae McGehee - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: between 1918 and 1920
2 years
Jean Reigh Ralston
Birth: June 2, 1920 50 33Augusta, Butler, Kansas, United States
Death: October 16, 2006El Dorado, Butler, Kansas, United States
Michael Leroy Troutman + Mary Mae McGehee - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: between 1921 and 1925
6 years
Donald Leroy Troutman
Birth: June 23, 1926 40 39El Dorado, Butler, Kansas, United States
Death: February 15, 2008Chico, Butte, California, United States

Luther Erie Hooper has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

MilitaryU.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Luther Erie Hooper - Household

Benton, Arkansas, United States

Hooper, Luther EheadMW27M5ARARTNENGLaborerRailroadWN3YYRH
Hooper, Mary MwifeFW22M522ARMOARYY
Hooper, Olive FdaughterFW4SMOARAR
Hooper, Vivian LdaughterFW2SARARAR

Known in the family that he died in the 1918 flu epidemic
Epitaph: "Father"