The Shemwell Family

Louis Guy RayAge: 61 years19071968

Louis Guy Ray
Given names
Louis Guy
Birth June 20, 1907
MarriageArdith Pauline BrimView this family
September 30, 1928 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Nina Kathryn Ray
November 26, 1929 (Age 22 years)
Census April 5, 1930 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Alberta Jean Ray
November 19, 1930 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Dorothy Bernetta Ray
May 2, 1934 (Age 26 years)
Census April 20, 1940 (Age 32 years)
Marriage of a childJames Floyd SkidmoreDorothy Bernetta RayView this family
June 26, 1950 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a grandson
Roger Ray McCarty
April 17, 1959 (Age 51 years)
Death June 24, 1968 (Age 61 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Hickory Point Cemetery
Family with Ardith Pauline Brim - View this family
Ardith Pauline Brim
Birth: November 24, 1908 33 27Pettis, Missouri, United States
Death: April 5, 1993Richmond, Ray, Missouri, United States
Marriage: September 30, 1928Pettis, Missouri, United States
14 months
Nina Kathryn Ray
Birth: November 26, 1929 22 21Green Ridge, Pettis, Missouri, United States
Death: June 23, 2009Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States
1 year
Alberta Jean Ray
Birth: November 19, 1930 23 21Green Ridge, Pettis, Missouri, United States
Death: November 14, 2012Richmond, Ray, Missouri, United States
3 years
Dorothy Bernetta Ray
Birth: May 2, 1934 26 25Green Ridge, Pettis, Missouri, United States
Death: April 29, 1996Superior, Washtenaw, Michigan, United States

No family available

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Louis Guy Ray - Household

Elk Fork, Pettis, Missouri

Ray, GuyheadMW21M21MOMOMOFarmerGeneral Farm
Ray, Ardith PwifeFW19M19MOMOMO
Ray, Nina CdaughterFW4mMMOMOMO

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Louis Guy Ray - Household

South and West Part 1940 Elk Fork, Pettis, Missouri - L Guy Ray

Ray, Guy LheadMW32MMORPettisMOFarmerOwn Farm
Ray, Ardith PXwifeFW31MMORPettisMO
Ray, Nina KdaughterFW10SMORPettisMO
Ray, A JeandaughterFW9SMORPettisMO
Ray, Dorothy BdaughterFW5SMORPettisMO