George Kirby HollandAge: 61 years1941–2002
- Name
- George Kirby Holland
- Given names
- George Kirby
- Surname
- Holland
Birth | June 11, 1941 30 28 |
Birth of a brother | Craig A Holland March 3, 1951 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Xelpho Brown Holland 1960 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Annie R “Anna” Ballance 1964 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a father | George W Holland November 29, 1997 (Age 56 years) |
Death | November 18, 2002 (Age 61 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
George W Holland Birth: February 11, 1911 28 27 — Illinois, United States Death: November 29, 1997 — Dixon, Lee, Illinois, United States |
mother |
Mabel F Belcher Birth: February 4, 1913 — Patoka, Marion, Illinois, United States Death: September 13, 2010 — Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois, United States |
Marriage: — |
himself |
George Kirby Holland Birth: June 11, 1941 30 28 — Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States Death: November 18, 2002 — Dixon, Lee, Illinois, United States |
10 years younger brother |
Craig A Holland Birth: March 3, 1951 40 38 Death: July 10, 2008 — Clinton, Clinton, Iowa, United States |