Clarence WallsAge: 54 years1882–1936
- Name
- Clarence Walls
- Given names
- Clarence
- Surname
- Walls
Birth | March 25, 1882 |
Occupation | Miner 1903 (Age 20 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Hallie Louise Walls November 30, 1904 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Halford Vermont Walls September 28, 1906 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a son #3 | Russell Wilbert Walls November 5, 1909 (Age 27 years) |
Census | April 15, 1910 (Age 28 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Thelma Alene Walls November 28, 1912 (Age 30 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Laura Mildred Walls March 7, 1914 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #6 | William Wallace Walls February 10, 1916 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | James Edwin “Pud” Walls June 5, 1917 (Age 35 years) |
Census | January 20, 1920 (Age 37 years) |
Marriage of a child | Raymond Curtis “Jack” Parker — Hallie Louise Walls — View this family about 1921 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a grandson #1 | Ray Curtis Woodman “Woodrow” Parker February 14, 1922 (Age 39 years) |
Birth of a grandson #2 | Raymond Curtis Parker Jr. July 16, 1924 (Age 42 years) |
Birth of a son #8 | Glendell Lee “Nick” Walls August 6, 1924 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a wife | Ada May Shemwell April 8, 1925 (Age 43 years) |
Birth of a grandson #3 | Leroy Livingstone Parker March 11, 1926 (Age 43 years) |
Marriage | Grace House — View this family May 16, 1927 (Age 45 years) Note: by T.E.Sparks and witnessed by Carrie J. Underwood and J.E. Shaver |
Birth of a granddaughter #4 | Geneva Mae “Jean” Walls July 17, 1928 (Age 46 years) |
Marriage of a child | Halford Vermont Walls — Juanita Withrow — View this family about 1928 (Age 45 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #5 | Roberta Geraldine “Geri” Walls July 30, 1929 (Age 47 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #6 | Wanda June Benson December 15, 1929 (Age 47 years) |
Census | April 30, 1930 (Age 48 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #7 | Nancy M Walls October 1, 1932 (Age 50 years) |
Birth of a grandson #8 | Loid Mac Doss June 26, 1933 (Age 51 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #9 | Ruby Jewell Benson December 11, 1933 (Age 51 years) |
Death of a granddaughter | Nancy M Walls October 2, 1935 (Age 53 years) |
Birth of a grandson #10 | Clarence William “Tudor” Doss October 3, 1935 (Age 53 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #11 | Annette M “Ann” Walls February 24, 1936 (Age 53 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #12 | Patricia Ann Benson March 1, 1936 (Age 53 years) |
Marriage of a child | John T McRoy — Hallie Louise Walls — View this family 1936 (Age 53 years) |
Death | April 1, 1936 (Age 54 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Miller & Piper Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
William R Walls Death: |
mother |
H Eakin Death: |
himself |
Clarence Walls Birth: March 25, 1882 — Illinois, United States Death: April 1, 1936 — Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
brother |
Private |
Family with Ada May Shemwell |
himself |
Clarence Walls Birth: March 25, 1882 — Illinois, United States Death: April 1, 1936 — Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
wife |
Ada May Shemwell Birth: July 9, 1884 27 26 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: April 8, 1925 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
daughter |
Hallie Louise Walls Birth: November 30, 1904 22 20 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: May 18, 1987 — Central City, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
22 months son |
Halford Vermont Walls Birth: September 28, 1906 24 22 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: March 6, 1993 — Charlotte, Florida, United States |
3 years son |
Russell Wilbert Walls Birth: November 5, 1909 27 25 — Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: September 29, 1998 — Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, United States |
3 years daughter |
Thelma Alene Walls Birth: November 28, 1912 30 28 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: March 14, 2008 — Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
15 months daughter |
Laura Mildred Walls Birth: March 7, 1914 31 29 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: October 24, 2000 — Central City, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
23 months son |
William Wallace Walls Birth: February 10, 1916 33 31 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: April 25, 2012 — Merrillville, Lake, Indiana, United States |
16 months son |
James Edwin “Pud” Walls Birth: June 5, 1917 35 32 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: September 23, 1944 |
son |
Private |
son |
Glendell Lee “Nick” Walls Birth: August 6, 1924 42 40 — Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: November 1, 2008 — Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, United States |
Family with Grace House |
himself |
Clarence Walls Birth: March 25, 1882 — Illinois, United States Death: April 1, 1936 — Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
wife |
Grace House Birth: 1892 — Kentucky, United States Death: |
Marriage: May 16, 1927 — Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
Clarence Walls has 0 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (0)
Census | 1910 United States - Census transcript - Clarence Walls - Household
Bevier, Muhlenberg, KY
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Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Clarence Walls - Household
Shemwell Hill Central City, Muhlenberg, Kentucky
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Marriage | by T.E.Sparks and witnessed by Carrie J. Underwood and J.E. Shaver |