Alice Kay DavisAge: 65 years1944–2009
- Name
- Alice Kay Davis
- Given names
- Alice Kay
- Surname
- Davis
- Married name
- Alice Kay Lambert
Birth | March 21, 1944 21 20 |
Birth of a brother | John W “Johnny” Davis July 7, 1949 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a mother | Marjorie Rose Burnett July 19, 1991 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a father | John W Davis Jr. February 6, 2005 (Age 60 years) |
Death of a brother | John W “Johnny” Davis August 27, 2009 (Age 65 years) |
Death | December 1, 2009 (Age 65 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John W Davis Jr. Birth: November 4, 1922 — Archer, Alachua, Florida, United States Death: February 6, 2005 — Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, United States |
mother |
Marjorie Rose Burnett Birth: March 22, 1923 37 39 — Crossville, Cumberland, Tennessee, United States Death: July 19, 1991 |
Marriage: — |
herself |
Alice Kay Davis Birth: March 21, 1944 21 20 — Albertville, Marshall, Alabama, United States Death: December 1, 2009 — Dothan, Houston, Alabama, United States |
5 years younger brother |
John W “Johnny” Davis Birth: July 7, 1949 26 26 — Albertville, Marshall, Alabama, United States Death: August 27, 2009 — Bay Minette, Baldwin, Alabama, United States |
Family with Private |
husband |
Private |
herself |
Alice Kay Davis Birth: March 21, 1944 21 20 — Albertville, Marshall, Alabama, United States Death: December 1, 2009 — Dothan, Houston, Alabama, United States |
Alice Kay Davis has 10 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (10)
Parents James Martin Burnett + Eva Hayes
Parents Joe John Burnett + Anna Baker
Parents Frank Henry Loshbough + Martha Rebecca “Mattie” Burnett
Parents Virgil Cleophas “Virgie” Greene + Hazel Alice Burnett
Parents Herbert Charles Burnett + Private