The Shemwell Family

Penny CoeAge: 69 years18111880

Penny Coe
Given names
Married name
Penny McGehee
Birth about 1811
MarriageJoseph McGeheeView this family
about 1832 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Silas E McGehee
about 1833 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Josiah C McGehee
July 4, 1834 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
William H McGehee
about 1838 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary McGehee
about 1842 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Richard M McGehee
December 23, 1848 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Rufus W McGehee
about 1852 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childSilas E McGeheeMary E BradfordView this family
May 3, 1859 (Age 48 years)
Death of a sonSilas E McGehee
November 30, 1862 (Age 51 years)
Marriage of a childJosiah C McGeheeEmeline CatellView this family
October 25, 1865 (Age 54 years)
Death of a sonJosiah C McGehee
April 19, 1874 (Age 63 years)
Marriage of a childRufus W McGeheeEmeline CatellView this family
December 22, 1874 (Age 63 years)
Note: Emeline was originally married to Rufus's brother, Josiah, who died in 1874.
Death after 1880 (Age 69 years)
Family with Joseph McGehee - View this family
Marriage: about 1832Granville, North Carolina, United States
2 years
Silas E McGehee
Birth: about 1833 19 22Granville, North Carolina, United States
Death: November 30, 1862Granville, North Carolina, United States
18 months
Josiah C McGehee
Birth: July 4, 1834 20 23Granville, North Carolina, United States
Death: April 19, 1874Granville, North Carolina, United States
5 years
William H McGehee
Birth: about 1838 24 27Granville, North Carolina, United States
5 years
Mary McGehee
Birth: about 1842 28 31Granville, North Carolina, United States
7 years
Richard M McGehee
Birth: December 23, 1848 35 37Granville, North Carolina, United States
Death: January 14, 1928Granville, North Carolina, United States
4 years
Rufus W McGehee
Birth: about 1852 38 41Granville, North Carolina, United States
Death: about 1906Granville, North Carolina, United States
Joseph McGehee + Everline Tinsbloom - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: August 22, 1883Fishing Creek Township, Granville, North Carolina, United States

No family available