Laura Vandelia MohonAge: 45 years1919–1965
- Name
- Laura Vandelia Mohon
- Given names
- Laura Vandelia
- Surname
- Mohon
- Married name
- Laura Vandelia Kirtley
Birth | September 16, 1919 25 28 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Thomas Larkin Paxton 1920 (Age 3 months) |
Census | January 15, 1920 (Age 3 months) |
Marriage of parents | Abner Herschel Mohon — Maybelle Ann Paxton — View this family estimated 1926 (Age 6 years) |
Census | April 5, 1930 (Age 10 years) |
Census | April 15, 1940 (Age 20 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Barbara Jane Driskill September 11, 1942 (Age 22 years) |
Death | February 9, 1965 (Age 45 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Laurel Land Memorial Park |
Family with parents |
father |
Abner Herschel Mohon Birth: November 4, 1893 — Wilson, Tennessee, United States Death: August 23, 1966 — Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United States |
mother |
Maybelle Ann Paxton Birth: February 11, 1891 30 34 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: August 1, 1972 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States |
Marriage: estimated 1926 — |
-10 years elder brother |
Abner Herschel “Jimmy” Mohon Jr. Birth: November 11, 1915 22 24 — Beech Creek, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: June 5, 1979 — Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
2 years elder sister |
Jane Earle “Janie” Mohon Birth: March 3, 1918 24 27 — Beech Creek, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: December 11, 1995 — Richardson, Dallas, Texas, United States |
18 months herself |
Laura Vandelia Mohon Birth: September 16, 1919 25 28 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: February 9, 1965 — Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
Family with Charles Benard Kirtley |
husband |
Charles Benard Kirtley Birth: May 12, 1917 — Butler, Kentucky, United States Death: January 28, 2008 — Dallas, Texas, United States |
herself |
Laura Vandelia Mohon Birth: September 16, 1919 25 28 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: February 9, 1965 — Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
son |
Private |
Laura Vandelia Mohon has 12 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (12)
Parents Herschel Roscoe “Dick” Paxton + Maud M Coursey
Parents Harry Estell Paxton + Laura Jane Laswell
Parents Verna Elmore Ford + Mayme Nell Paxton
Census | 1920 United States - Census transcript - Abner Herschel Mohon - Household
Skilesville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky
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Census | 1930 United States - Census transcript - Abner Herschel Mohon - Household
Muhlenberg, Kentucky
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Census | 1940 United States - Census transcript - Charles B Kirtley - Household
Muhlenberg, Kentucky