The Shemwell Family

Mumford McGeheeAge: 72 years17441816

Mumford McGehee
Given names
Birth September 29, 1744 44 35
Birth of a brotherMicajah McGehee
between 1730 and 1745
Note: Micajah McGehee Birth Year: "From 1730 to 1745"
Birth of a brotherDaniel McGehee
1747 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam McGehee
1749 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherJacob McGehee
1751 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterAnna McGehee
July 23, 1755 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a brotherSamuel McGehee
June 23, 1759 (Age 14 years)
MarriageSarah Ann MooreView this family
June 20, 1768 (Age 23 years)
Will April 4, 1770 (Age 25 years)
Note: Transcription Text: "In the name of God, Amen, I, Edward McGehee, of Cumberland County, Virgini…
Death of a fatherEdward Thomas McGehee
January 28, 1771 (Age 26 years)
Probate January 28, 1771 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
Joseph McGehee
about 1775 (Age 30 years)
Mumford McGehee Revolutionary War Pay Voucher 632 April 4 1781
April 4, 1781 (Age 36 years)
Death of a motherElizabeth Mumford DeJarnette
1783 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Mumford McGehee
January 28, 1784 (Age 39 years)
Death of a wifeSarah Ann Moore
April 1, 1793 (Age 48 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph McGeheeMartha “Patsey” WallView this family
December 4, 1799 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Martha McGehee
about 1800 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a grandson
John McGehee
about 1802 (Age 57 years)
Death of a brotherDaniel McGehee
February 12, 1802 (Age 57 years)
Birth of a grandson
Joseph McGehee Jr
about 1804 (Age 59 years)
Death of a brotherJacob McGehee
October 26, 1805 (Age 61 years)
Birth of a grandson
Sidney McGehee
about 1806 (Age 61 years)
Birth of a grandson
William H McGehee
about 1808 (Age 63 years)
Death of a brotherMicajah McGehee
July 31, 1811 (Age 66 years)
Marriage of a childThomas Mumford McGeheeElizabeth Mildred JeffreysView this family
December 7, 1812 (Age 68 years)
Death of a sisterAnna McGehee
April 15, 1813 (Age 68 years)
Death December 1816 (Age 72 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: McGehee Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 4, 1734Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
12 years
6 years
elder brother
John McGehee
Birth: November 14, 1735 36 26Virginia, United States
Death: 1818Virginia, United States
4 years
elder sister
Elizabeth McGehee
Birth: about 1739 39 29Cumberland, Virginia, United States
Death: June 22, 1821Cross Hill, Laurens, South Carolina, United States
4 years
elder sister
Mary DeJarnette McGehee
Birth: November 10, 1742 43 33Cumberland, Virginia, United States
Death: 1817Pittsylvania, Virginia, United States
23 months
Mumford McGehee
Birth: September 29, 1744 44 35Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
Death: December 1816Person, North Carolina, United States
3 years
younger brother
Daniel McGehee
Birth: 1747 47 37Amelia, Virginia, United States
Death: February 12, 1802Augusta, Columbia, Georgia, United States
3 years
younger brother
William McGehee
Birth: 1749 49 39Cumberland, Virginia, United States
Death: February 2, 1829Milledgeville, Baldwin, Georgia, United States
3 years
younger brother
Jacob McGehee
Birth: 1751 51 41Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
Death: October 26, 1805Oglethorpe, Georgia, United States
5 years
younger sister
Anna McGehee
Birth: July 23, 1755 55 46Cumberland, Virginia, United States
Death: April 15, 1813Cumberland, Virginia, United States
4 years
younger brother
Samuel McGehee
Birth: June 23, 1759 59 50Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
Death: June 9, 1821Amite, Mississippi, United States
Family with Sarah Ann Moore - View this family
Mumford McGehee
Birth: September 29, 1744 44 35Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
Death: December 1816Person, North Carolina, United States
Sarah Ann Moore
Birth: about 1744Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States
Death: April 1, 1793Person, North Carolina, United States
Marriage: June 20, 1768Prince Edward, Virginia, United States
8 years
Joseph McGehee
Birth: about 1775 30 31Woodburn Plantation, Person, North Carolina, United States
Death: October 8, 1831Gates, Gates, North Carolina, United States
9 years
Thomas Mumford McGehee
Birth: January 28, 1784 39 40Person, North Carolina, United States
Death: February 1, 1867Alabama, United States

Mumford McGehee has 4 first cousins recorded

Mother's family (0)

Transcription Text: "In the name of God, Amen, I, Edward McGehee, of Cumberland County, Virginia, being in my perfect sences and memory, do make this my last Will and Testament as followeth, "Item 1, My son John McGehee, the following slaves Doll, Sol, Darkus, Ben, Lucy, Miner and Judy together with their increase. And 700 acres of land lying in Prince Edward County, Virginia joyning the land of Jacob McGehee. To him and his heirs, forever. "Item 2. My daughter Mary Hodnett, five shillings current money. "Item 3. My daughter Elizabeth Wright one Negro Wench named Hannah, and her child named Moses, together with her increase. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Wright 400 acres of land, being part of land where I now live, and joining land of Thomas Wright. To her and her heirs forever. "Item 4. My son-in-law Thomas Wright one-half of my water-grist mill. I likewise give to my son-in-law Thomas Wright one-half of the land that I purchased, joyning the Mill. To him and his heirs, forever. "Item 5. My son Micasah McGehee, one Negro man named Bob. I likewise give to my son Micasah 700 acres of land in Prince Edward County, Virginia being the land whereon he now lives joining the land of John Martin. To him and his heirs forever. "Item 6. My son Mumford McGehee, one Negro boy named Peter. I likewise give to som Mumford, 700 acres of land in Prince Edward County being land laid off in a lot - as will appear - by a plot number 1, being the land where he now lives. To him and his heirs forever. "Item 7. My son Daniel McGehee, one Negro boy named Ned. I likewise give to my son Daniel 700 acres of land in Prince William County being land laid off in a lot - as will appear - by a plot number 2, to him and his heirs forever. "Item 8. My son William McGehee, one Negro boy named Tom. I likewise give to my son William 700 acres of land in Prince William County being land laid off - in a lot - as will appear by a plot number 3. I give to my son William two cows and calves, and one feather bed, and furniture. To him and his heirs forever. "Item 9. My son Jacob McGehee, one negro boy named Tom. I likewise give to my son Jacob 700 acres of land in Prince Edward County being land laid off - in a lot - as will appear by a plot number 6. I give to my son Jacob two cows and calves, one feather bed and furniture. To him and his heirs forever. "Item 10. My son Samuel McGehee one negro boy named Pompy. I likewise give to my son Samuel 700 acres of land in Prince Edward County being laid off - in a lot - as will appear by plot number 4. I give my son Samuel two cows and calves and one feather bed, and furniture. To him and his heirs forever. "Item 11. My daughter Anna McGehee, one negro girl named Rachel with her increase. I likewise give to my daughter Anna 400 acres of land - being part of the tract whereon I now live joyning my Mill. Should my wife want any timber on the said 400 acres of land or want to land any part thereof during her life, my desire is that she may not be prevented. To Anna and her heirs forever. "Item 12. I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth McGehee the land and plantation whereon I now live with 400 acres of land. Likewise the following slaves: Seasor, London, Sampson, Bristol, Jean, Lucy, Harry, Dick, Agg, Londin, Jessie, and the one-half of the profits of my Grist Mill, with the remainder of my stock, household goods, working Tools, etc. that is on my plantation - during her natural life. "My desire is, After my wife's decease that the land whereon that I now live, may be equally divided between my two daughters Elizabeth Wright and my daughter Anna. "And futher My desire is that after the death of my Wife Elizabeth, the one-half of my Mill, the remainder of my house-hold goods, and stock with the above slaves lent my wife, may be sold by my executors to the highest bidders and seventy-five pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence, to be paid to my son Jacob McGehee. "And thirty pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence, to be paid to my son Daniel McGehee. "And also nine pounds sixteen shillings and four pence, to be paid to my son William McGehee. "And my desire is that after the above Cash is paid to my three sons Jacob, Daniel and William, that The balance may be equally divided between My daughter Elizabeth Wright, and my six sons Micasah, Mumford, Daniel, William, Jacob and Samuel and my daughter Anna. "And further my will and desire is that in case, either of my six sons or My Daughter Anna should dye before they arrive at the age twenty-one years, or Marry, that their part may be equally divided among the remainder of the last mentioned children. "And lastly, I do appoint My beloved Wife, Elizabeth McGehee, my son, Mumford, my son-in-law, Thomas Wright, and Henry Macon, Executors of this My last Will and testament. In witness hereof - set my hand and seal this, 4th, April 1770. Edward McGehee "Signed and Sealed his S. X. S. Mark. "And acknowledged in the presence "of and interlinded before sealed "Nathan Glenn "James Glenn "Nehemiah Glenn". At a Court held in Cumberland, Cumberland County, Virginia 28th January 1771 "This last Will, and testament of Edward McGehee deceased was proved by Nathan Glenn and Nehemiah Glenn, two of the witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Elizabeth McGehee executrix. Mumford McGehee and Thomas Wright two of the executors therein, named, who made oath according to law Certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in due form And liberty is reserved to the other Executor to join in probat. Test Thompson Swann, Clerk "A copy Teste: Lewis Crawley, Clerk Circuit Court of Cumberland County - Seal"