Lynette I TateAge: 74 years1926–2000
- Name
- Lynette I Tate
- Given names
- Lynette I
- Surname
- Tate
- Married name
- Lynette I Cary
Birth | November 23, 1926 18 19 |
Census | April 5, 1930 (Age 3 years) |
Census | April 13, 1940 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John William Timothy Tate October 13, 1956 (Age 29 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Rosa Lee Shemwell May 18, 1964 (Age 37 years) |
Death of a father | Buell Eckless Tate April 6, 1981 (Age 54 years) |
Death of a mother | Golda Irene McGuyer April 28, 2000 (Age 73 years) |
Death | December 23, 2000 (Age 74 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Buell Eckless Tate Birth: 1908 32 28 — Kentucky, United States Death: April 6, 1981 — Canton, Stark, Ohio, United States |
mother |
Golda Irene McGuyer Birth: July 21, 1907 — Kentucky, United States Death: April 28, 2000 — Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United States |
herself |
Lynette I Tate Birth: November 23, 1926 18 19 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: December 23, 2000 — Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United States |
sister |
Private |
Family with Private |
husband |
Private |
herself |
Lynette I Tate Birth: November 23, 1926 18 19 — Muhlenberg, Kentucky, United States Death: December 23, 2000 — Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United States |
Lynette I Tate has 9 first cousins recorded
Father's family (9)
Parents Bryan Elmer Tate + Artie B Goodman
Parents Bryan Elmer Tate + Grace Johnson
Parents Bennett Burton Tate + Ruby Hazel Sampson
Parents Bernice Beckham Tate + Marie Davis
Mother's family (0)
Census | 1930 United States - Census transcript - John William Tate - Household
Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky
Census indicates Buell's family in same household | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Census | 1940 United States - Census transcript - Buell Eckless Tate - Household
Cleaton Cleaton, Muhlenberg, Kentucky