Peter Edmond GibbonsAge: 48 years1855–1903
- Name
- Peter Edmond Gibbons
- Given names
- Peter Edmond
- Surname
- Gibbons
Birth | December 4, 1855 |
Marriage | Victoria Adeline Thompson — View this family March 20, 1880 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Thomas Luther Gibbons March 20, 1881 (Age 25 years) |
Death | December 27, 1903 (Age 48 years) |
Family with Victoria Adeline Thompson |
himself |
Peter Edmond Gibbons Birth: December 4, 1855 — Missouri, United States Death: December 27, 1903 — Prairie City, Audrain, Missouri, United States |
wife |
Victoria Adeline Thompson Birth: September 3, 1857 45 34 — Lost Creek, Newton, Missouri, United States Death: January 8, 1945 — Siloam Springs, Benton, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: March 20, 1880 — Newton, Missouri, United States |
1 year son |
Thomas Luther Gibbons Birth: March 20, 1881 25 23 — Newton, Missouri, United States Death: January 7, 1969 — North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States |