Gary Joe LasterAge: 64 years1954–2019
- Name
- Gary Joe Laster
- Type
- birth name
- Given names
- Gary Joe
- Surname
- Laster
Birth | September 3, 1954 21 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Homer Lawson Laster December 15, 1982 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Roberta McGehee March 3, 2000 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a father | John William “Johnny” Laster April 11, 2014 (Age 59 years) |
Death | March 15, 2019 (Age 64 years) Cause of death: Cancer |
Burial | March 20, 2019 (5 days after death) Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Cox Cemetery Religion: Seven Day Adventist |
Family with parents |
father |
John William “Johnny” Laster Birth: March 15, 1933 30 32 — Todd, Kentucky, United States Death: April 11, 2014 — Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, United States |
mother |
Private |
himself |
Gary Joe Laster Birth: September 3, 1954 21 — Gibson City, Ford, Illinois, United States Death: March 15, 2019 — Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, United States |
sister |
Private |
Family with Private |
himself |
Gary Joe Laster Birth: September 3, 1954 21 — Gibson City, Ford, Illinois, United States Death: March 15, 2019 — Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, United States |
wife |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
Family with Private |
himself |
Gary Joe Laster Birth: September 3, 1954 21 — Gibson City, Ford, Illinois, United States Death: March 15, 2019 — Hopkinsville, Christian, Kentucky, United States |
wife |
Private |
son |
Private |
Gary Joe Laster has 17 first cousins recorded
Father's family (17)
Parents Shelby Thomas Laster + Ruthell Grisham
Parents Shelly Ray Laster + Lucile Pearl Jones
Parents Robert Taylor Latham + Dorothy Lee Laster
Parents Lyle Benjamin Hooper + Fannie Elizabeth “Bell” Laster
Parents Rev Homer Lawson Laster Jr + Private