The Shemwell Family

Elizabeth Ann “Bettie” NooeAge: 70 years18621932

Elizabeth Ann “Bettie” Nooe
Given names
Elizabeth Ann
Married name
Elizabeth Ann Hutchinson
Birth January 20, 1862 39 24
Birth of a sisterJessie A Nooe
about 1865 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterSallie Lee Nooe
October 3, 1867 (Age 5 years)
Census June 1, 1870 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterMary Nooe
1871 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherFred “Freddie” Nooe
February 1874 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterMamie Nooe
October 1876 (Age 14 years)
Census June 9, 1880 (Age 18 years)
MarriageJames Harvey HutchinsonView this family
March 7, 1883 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
Harvey Bennett Hutchinson
December 27, 1883 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Marie McVeigh “Veigh” Hutchinson
October 1886 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Allie Nooe Hutchinson
May 12, 1889 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Hutchinson
March 18, 1892 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Snowden Hutchinson
October 20, 1894 (Age 32 years)
Death of a husbandJames Harvey Hutchinson
February 6, 1898 (Age 36 years)
Census June 15, 1900 (Age 38 years)
Death of a fatherBennet Nooe
July 31, 1901 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childHarvey Bennett HutchinsonSarah Meta FletcherView this family
November 17, 1908 (Age 46 years)
Census April 19, 1910 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Meta Fletcher Hutchinson
March 17, 1914 (Age 52 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam Osmond HarrisAllie Nooe HutchinsonView this family
March 4, 1916 (Age 54 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Mary MacVeigh Hutchinson
June 19, 1916 (Age 54 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Alexander Lindsay Sr.Mary HutchinsonView this family
May 1917 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Josephine C Hutchinson
January 17, 1918 (Age 55 years)
Census January 6, 1920 (Age 57 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Eleanor Narcom Hutchinson
August 14, 1921 (Age 59 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Elizabeth Anna Nooe “Betsy” Harris
January 17, 1922 (Age 59 years)
Death of a motherMary A Watson
April 2, 1922 (Age 60 years)
Census April 3, 1930 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Nooe
October 8, 1931 (Age 69 years)
Burial of a brotherJohn Nooe
October 9, 1931 (Age 69 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Lexington City Cemetery
Death February 18, 1932 (Age 70 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Lexington City Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 17, 1857Davidson, North Carolina, United States
7 months
elder brother
John Nooe
Birth: July 3, 1858 36 20Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Death: October 8, 1931Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
18 months
elder brother
2 years
4 years
younger sister
Jessie A Nooe
Birth: about 1865 42 27North Carolina, United States
3 years
younger sister
Sallie Lee Nooe
Birth: October 3, 1867 45 29Davidson, North Carolina, United States
4 years
younger sister
Mary Nooe
Birth: 1871 48 33Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
3 years
younger brother
Fred “Freddie” Nooe
Birth: February 1874 51 36Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
3 years
younger sister
Mamie Nooe
Birth: October 1876 54 38Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Family with James Harvey Hutchinson - View this family
Marriage: March 7, 1883Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
10 months
3 years
Marie McVeigh “Veigh” Hutchinson
Birth: October 1886 31 24Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Death: December 3, 1967Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
3 years
Allie Nooe Hutchinson
Birth: May 12, 1889 33 27Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Death: January 7, 1982Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States
3 years
Mary Hutchinson
Birth: March 18, 1892 36 30Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Death: March 19, 1970High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
3 years
Elizabeth Snowden Hutchinson
Birth: October 20, 1894 39 32Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Death: September 18, 1980Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States

Elizabeth Ann “Bettie” Nooe has 33 first cousins recorded

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Bennet Nooe - Household

Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina

Nooe, Bennethead48MWdry goods retl merchantNC
Nooe, M Awife32FWNC
Nooe, Johnson11MWNC
Nooe, Bennettson10MWNC
Nooe, Bettiedaughter7FWNC
Nooe, J Adaughter5FWNC
Nooe, S Adaughter3FWNC

Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Bennet Nooe - Household

Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina

Nooe, BennetWM58headMdry good merchantNCNCNC
Nooe, Mary AWF42wifeMNCVANC
Nooe, JohnWM21sonSclerk in storeNCNCNC
Nooe, BennettWM20sonSclerk in storeNCNCNC
Nooe, ElizabethWF17daughterSNCNCNC
Nooe, JessieWF15daughterSNCNCNC
Nooe, SallieWF13daughterSNCNCNC
Nooe, MaryWF9daughterSNCNCNC
Nooe, FreddieWM6sonSNCNCNC

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth “Bettie” Nooe - Household

Davidson, North Carolina, United States

Hutchinson, ElizabethheadWFJan186337Wd55NCNCNC
Hutchinson, Harvey BsonWMDec188316SNCVANCclerkchair factory
Hutchinson, Marie MdaughterWFOct188613SNCVANC
Hutchinson, AlliedaughterWFMay188911SNCVANC
Hutchinson, MarydaughterWFMar18928SNCVANC
Hutchinson, ElizabethdaughterWFOct18945SNCVANC

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth “Bettie” Nooe - Household

Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, United States

Hutchinson, ElizabethheadFW46Wd55NCNCNC
Hutchinson, VeighdaughterFW22SNCVANCteachergrade school
Hutchinson, AlliedaughterFW20SNCVANCteachergrade school
Hutchinson, MarydaughterFW17SNCVANC
Hutchinson, ElizabethdaughterFW15SNCVANC

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth “Bettie” Nooe - Household

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Hutchinson, ElizabethheadFW57WdNCNCNC
Hutchinson, VeighdaughterFW33SNCVANCT nursehospital nursery
Hutchinson, ElizabethdaughterFW23SNCVANCstenographergrain company

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth “Bettie” Nooe - Household

415 Main St. South Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina

Hutchinson, ElizabethheadFW68WdNCNCNC
Hutchinson, Elizabeth SdaughterFW34SNCNCNCCashierBank
Harris, Allie MdaughterFW39WdNCNCNCTeacherCity Schools
Harris, Betsy Ngrand daughterFW8SNCNCNC