The Shemwell Family

Mary BainAge: 93 years18531947

Mary Bain
Given names
Married name
Mary Carrick
Birth October 20, 1853
Religious marriageThomas CarrickView this family
January 28, 1880 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
Jeter Bain Carrick
February 10, 1881 (Age 27 years)
Death of a sonJeter Bain Carrick
February 8, 1883 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Bright Carrick
August 1, 1884 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Steven Carrick
February 1887 (Age 33 years)

Birth of a son
Doak B “Dee” Carrick
December 1888 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a son
Carey W Carrick
July 1893 (Age 39 years)

Census June 7, 1900 (Age 46 years)
Census May 3, 1910 (Age 56 years)
Census February 5, 1920 (Age 66 years)
Census April 18, 1930 (Age 76 years)
Death of a husbandThomas Carrick
May 22, 1935 (Age 81 years)
Census April 2, 1940 (Age 86 years)
Death January 21, 1947 (Age 93 years)
Family with Thomas Carrick - View this family
Thomas Carrick
Birth: April 11, 1850 36 22Davidson, North Carolina, United States
Death: May 22, 1935High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Mary Bain
Birth: October 20, 1853Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Death: January 21, 1947High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Marriage: January 28, 1880High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
1 year
Jeter Bain Carrick
Birth: February 10, 1881 30 27High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
Death: February 8, 1883High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States
4 years
Thomas Bright Carrick
Birth: August 1, 1884 34 30North Carolina, United States
Death: March 29, 1975Shelby, Cleveland, North Carolina, United States
3 years
23 months
5 years

No family available

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Thomas Carrick - Household

High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States

Carrick, ThomasheadWMApr185050M20NCNCNCpreacher
Carrick, Mary HwifeWFOct185346M2044NCNCNC
Carrick, ThomassonWMAug188514SNCNCNC
Carrick, Mary SdaughterWFFeb188713SNCNCNC
Carrick, Doak BsonWMDec188811SNCNCNC
Carrick, Carey WsonWMJul18936SNCNCNC

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Thomas Carrick - Household

High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States

Carrick, ThomasheadMW60M30NCNCNCministerBaptist
Carrick, Mary BainwifeFW56M3054NCNCNCteacherhigh school
Carrick, Mary StephaniedaughterFW22SNCNC
Carrick, Dee BsonMW21SNCNC
Carrick, Carey WsonMW16SNCNC

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Thomas Carrick - Household

High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Carrick, ThomasheadMW68MNCNCNCMinisterChurch
Carrick, MarywifeFW65MNCVANC

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Thomas Carrick - Household

High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States

Carrick, ThomasheadMW79M29NCNCNCpastorBaptist
Carrick, Mary BwifeFW76M26NCVACA

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Mary Bain - Household

High Point, Guilford, North Carolina, United States

Carrick, Doak BheadFW51SNCproprietorservice station
Carrick, MaryheadFW86WdNC