Robert Carlson BiggerAge: 80 years1925–2005
- Name
- Robert Carlson Bigger
- Given names
- Robert Carlson
- Surname
- Bigger
Birth | June 6, 1925 30 24 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Otto William Carlson April 18, 1939 (Age 13 years) |
Census | April 16, 1940 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a brother | James Willard Bigger April 19, 1944 (Age 18 years) |
Religious marriage | Bonnie Alice Gabbard — View this family September 5, 1947 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a father | Frederick Birdwell “Fred” Bigger November 13, 1957 (Age 32 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Sarah Caroline Holland October 9, 1966 (Age 41 years) |
Death | October 14, 2005 (Age 80 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Frederick Birdwell “Fred” Bigger Birth: November 21, 1894 — Arkansas, United States Death: November 13, 1957 |
mother |
Mary Carlson Birth: 1901 33 30 — Arkansas, United States Death: |
Marriage: February 26, 1921 — Washington, Arkansas, United States |
21 months elder brother |
James Willard Bigger Birth: December 5, 1922 28 21 — Dardanelle, Yell, Arkansas, United States Death: April 19, 1944 — Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, United States |
3 years himself |
Robert Carlson Bigger Birth: June 6, 1925 30 24 — Sulphur Springs, Benton, Arkansas, United States Death: October 14, 2005 — Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, United States |
Family with Bonnie Alice Gabbard |
himself |
Robert Carlson Bigger Birth: June 6, 1925 30 24 — Sulphur Springs, Benton, Arkansas, United States Death: October 14, 2005 — Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, United States |
wife |
Bonnie Alice Gabbard Birth: October 27, 1926 — Franklin, Arkansas, United States Death: July 29, 2019 — Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: September 5, 1947 — Washington, Arkansas, United States |
Robert Carlson Bigger has 0 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (0)
Census | 1940 United States - Census transcript - Frederick Birdwell “Fred” Bigger - Household
Fayetteville, Washington, Arkansas, United States