Jim Robert PruittAge: 25 years1875–1900
- Name
- Jim Robert Pruitt
- Given names
- Jim Robert
- Surname
- Pruitt
Birth | after 1875 21 16 Note: 1875 is the marriage date of the parents |
Birth of a sister | Celece Rosetta Pruitt after 1875 Note: 1875 is the marriage date of the parents |
Birth of a brother | Infant Pruitt after 1875 Note: 1875 is the marriage date of the parents |
Birth of a sister | Minerva Jane Pruitt January 1880 (Age 5 years) Note: Birth date/location based on 1880 Census |
Birth of a sister | Lillie Pearl Pruitt August 27, 1882 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a sister | Maudie Pruitt July 3, 1889 (Age 14 years) |
Birth of a brother | Lonnie Franklin Pruitt November 1, 1891 (Age 16 years) Note: Birth date/location based on 1900 Census |
Birth of a brother | William Lester Pruitt February 3, 1895 (Age 20 years) |
Death of a sister | Celece Rosetta Pruitt before 1900 (on the date of death) Shared note: In the 1900 Census, Neoma Angeline Pruitt (nee Beckham) reported that she had 8 children with 5 of the children still living. We can find records showing the 5 living children: Minerva Jane, Lillie Pearl, Maudie, Lonnie Franklin, and William Lester. That would suggest that Celece Rosetta Pruitt, Jim Robert Pruitt, and Infant Son Pruitt were deceased before 1900. None of these children showed up in the 1880 Census. Further, it is assumed they were born after the parent's marriage date of 1875. |
Death of a brother | Infant Pruitt before 1900 (on the date of death) Shared note: In the 1900 Census, Neoma Angeline Pruitt (nee Beckham) reported that she had 8 children with 5 of the children still living. We can find records showing the 5 living children: Minerva Jane, Lillie Pearl, Maudie, Lonnie Franklin, and William Lester. That would suggest that Celece Rosetta Pruitt, Jim Robert Pruitt, and Infant Son Pruitt were deceased before 1900. None of these children showed up in the 1880 Census. Further, it is assumed they were born after the parent's marriage date of 1875. |
Death | before 1900 (Age 25 years) Shared note: In the 1900 Census, Neoma Angeline Pruitt (nee Beckham) reported that she had 8 children with 5 of the children still living. We can find records showing the 5 living children: Minerva Jane, Lillie Pearl, Maudie, Lonnie Franklin, and William Lester. That would suggest that Celece Rosetta Pruitt, Jim Robert Pruitt, and Infant Son Pruitt were deceased before 1900. None of these children showed up in the 1880 Census. Further, it is assumed they were born after the parent's marriage date of 1875. |
Family with parents |
father |
John Franklin Pruitt Birth: May 31, 1853 33 41 — Arkansas, United States Death: April 30, 1924 — Arkansas, United States |
mother |
Neoma Angeline “Oma” Beckham Birth: April 18, 1858 34 33 — Newton, Arkansas, United States Death: April 22, 1930 — Harrison, Boone, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: October 25, 1875 — Newton, Arkansas, United States |
4 years younger sister |
Minerva Jane Pruitt Birth: January 1880 26 21 — Arkansas, United States Death: January 7, 1930 — St. Francois, Missouri, United States |
3 years younger sister |
Lillie Pearl Pruitt Birth: August 27, 1882 29 24 — Self, Boone, Arkansas, United States Death: July 3, 1927 — Omaha, Boone, Arkansas, United States |
-7 years twin sister |
Celece Rosetta Pruitt Birth: after 1875 21 16 Death: before 1900 |
1 year himself |
Jim Robert Pruitt Birth: after 1875 21 16 Death: before 1900 |
15 years younger sister |
Maudie Pruitt Birth: July 3, 1889 36 31 — Arkansas, United States Death: March 19, 1971 — Boone, Arkansas, United States |
-14 years twin brother |
Infant Pruitt Birth: after 1875 21 16 Death: before 1900 |
17 years younger brother |
Lonnie Franklin Pruitt Birth: November 1, 1891 38 33 — Arkansas, United States Death: October 1971 — Arkansas, United States |
3 years younger brother |
William Lester Pruitt Birth: February 3, 1895 41 36 — Arkansas, United States Death: September 24, 1972 — Harrison, Boone, Arkansas, United States |
Jim Robert Pruitt has 24 first cousins recorded
Father's family (19)
Parents James Potter Pruitt Sr. + Nancy Parlee Curtis
Parents Robert Frank Shaw + Nancy J Pruitt
Parents William Auburn “Willie” Pruitt + Celia Beckham
Mother's family (5)
Parents William Auburn “Willie” Pruitt + Celia Beckham
Birth | 1875 is the marriage date of the parents |
Death | In the 1900 Census, Neoma Angeline Pruitt (nee Beckham) reported that she had 8 children with 5 of the children still living. We can find records showing the 5 living children: Minerva Jane, Lillie Pearl, Maudie, Lonnie Franklin, and William Lester. That would suggest that Celece Rosetta Pruitt, Jim Robert Pruitt, and Infant Son Pruitt were deceased before 1900. None of these children showed up in the 1880 Census. Further, it is assumed they were born after the parent's marriage date of 1875. |