Solomon M CunninghamAge: 86 years1868–1955
- Name
- Solomon M Cunningham
- Given names
- Solomon M
- Surname
- Cunningham
Birth | August 1, 1868 28 26 |
Birth of a brother | William J Cunningham October 8, 1869 (Age 14 months) |
Census | July 5, 1870 (Age 23 months) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Ritta Ann “Ritter” White after 1870 (Age 17 months) Note: She was last listed in the 1870 Census |
Birth of a sister | Labethe Cunningham about 1873 (Age 4 years) Note: Birth date/place based on 1880 Census |
Birth of a sister | Clementine Retta Cunningham August 19, 1875 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | John Wesley Cunningham May 3, 1878 (Age 9 years) |
Census | June 7, 1880 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a brother | Robert L Cunningham February 1882 (Age 13 years) Note: Birth date/place based on 1900 Census |
Birth of a brother | Dee Michie Cunningham March 1885 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a mother | Nancy Caroline Megee May 2, 1930 (Age 61 years) |
Death of a father | Abner Webster Cunningham Sr December 26, 1934 (Age 66 years) |
Death of a brother | Aaron Washington Cunningham November 27, 1945 (Age 77 years) |
Death of a brother | William J Cunningham September 4, 1952 (Age 84 years) |
Death | January 14, 1955 (Age 86 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: South Heights Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Abner Webster Cunningham Sr Birth: August 24, 1839 — Tishomingo, Mississippi, United States Death: December 26, 1934 — Bowie, Montague, Texas, United States |
mother |
Nancy Caroline Megee Birth: November 21, 1841 46 41 — Marshall, Mississippi, United States Death: May 2, 1930 — Bowie, Montague, Texas, United States |
Marriage: about 1860 — |
2 years elder brother |
James T Cunningham Birth: 1861 21 19 — Arkansas, United States Death: |
3 years elder brother |
Abner Webster Cunningham Jr Birth: July 29, 1863 23 21 — Arkansas, United States Death: January 18, 1963 — Harlingen, Cameron, Texas, United States |
3 years elder brother |
Aaron Washington Cunningham Birth: October 1, 1866 27 24 — Harlingen, Cameron, Texas, United States Death: November 27, 1945 — Decatur, Wise, Texas, United States |
22 months himself |
Solomon M Cunningham Birth: August 1, 1868 28 26 — Baxter, Arkansas, United States Death: January 14, 1955 — Sapulpa, Creek, Oklahoma, United States |
14 months younger brother |
William J Cunningham Birth: October 8, 1869 30 27 — Baxter, Arkansas, United States Death: September 4, 1952 — Abilene, Taylor, Texas, United States |
4 years younger sister |
Labethe Cunningham Birth: about 1873 33 31 — Arkansas, United States Death: |
3 years younger sister |
Clementine Retta Cunningham Birth: August 19, 1875 35 33 — Arkansas, United States Death: November 21, 1971 — Harlingen, Cameron, Texas, United States |
3 years younger brother |
John Wesley Cunningham Birth: May 3, 1878 38 36 — Texas, United States Death: July 14, 1968 — Okmulgee, Oklahoma, United States |
4 years younger brother |
Robert L Cunningham Birth: February 1882 42 40 — Texas, United States Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Dee Michie Cunningham Birth: March 1885 45 43 — Texas, United States Death: April 18, 1968 — North Richland Hills, Tarrant, Texas, United States |
Solomon M Cunningham has 49 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (49)
Parents Daniel White Megee + Mahala Louisa Dunbar
Parents Daniel White Megee + Martha Jane Hurley
Parents Byram Edward Crownover + Mary Ann “Polly” Megee
Parents William Claude “Bill” Megee + Elizabeth Ann Cole
Parents William Claude “Bill” Megee + Edith “Eddie” Harris
Parents Stephen Jackson Megee + Sarah Crownover
Parents James Riley Reynolds + Martha E “Patsy” Megee
Parents John P Crownover + Martha E “Patsy” Megee
Parents John Martin Megee + Francis Emeline Cunningham
Parents Alfred Earls + Melissa Jane Megee
Parents William Jasper Guinn + Rhoda Adeline Megee
Census | 1870 United States - Census transcript - Abner Webster Cunningham Sr - Household
Whiteville, Marion, Arkansas, United States
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Census | 1880 United States - Census transcript - Abner Webster Cunningham Sr - Household
Kaufman, Texas