Sebron M SewellAge: 63 years1822–1886
- Name
- Sebron M Sewell
- Given names
- Sebron M
- Surname
- Sewell
Note: Combine with the SM that is married to Artie
Birth | September 2, 1822 Note: Birth date is listed at the Findagrave website (see below) |
Marriage | Nancy Jane Magee — View this family about 1863 (Age 40 years) Note: Nancy was shown living (single) with her parents in the 1860 Census |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Matilda C Sewell October 11, 1864 (Age 42 years) |
Death of a wife | Nancy Jane Magee before 1878 (Age 55 years) Note: Was mentioned as "Deceased" in her fathers will written on 9/28/1878 |
Will | Elijah Magee September 28, 1878 (Age 56 years) |
Marriage of a child | Andrew W Steele — Matilda C Sewell — View this family May 4, 1884 (Age 61 years) |
Probate | August 5, 1884 (Age 61 years) |
Probate | January 7, 1886 (Age 63 years) |
Probate | June 5, 1886 (Age 63 years) |
Death | after 1886 (Age 63 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Howell Cemetery |
Family with Nancy Jane Magee |
himself |
Sebron M Sewell Birth: September 2, 1822 — Tennessee, United States Death: after 1886 |
wife |
Nancy Jane Magee Birth: about 1838 29 27 — Tennessee, United States Death: before 1878 — Tennessee, United States |
Marriage: about 1863 — Tennessee, United States |
21 months daughter |
Matilda C Sewell Birth: October 11, 1864 42 26 — Perry, Tennessee, United States Death: January 28, 1942 — Tennessee, United States |
No family available
Birth | Birth date is listed at the Findagrave website (see below) |
Marriage | Nancy was shown living (single) with her parents in the 1860 Census |
Name | Combine with the SM that is married to Artie |