The Shemwell Family

Holden McGeheeAge: 108 years17901898

Holden McGehee
Given names
Also known as
Holden Magee
Birth March 12, 1790 21 17
Marriage of parentsJonathan McGeheeRebecca JamesView this family
November 19, 1793 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterRuth McGehee
1805 (Age 14 years)

Death of a fatherJonathan McGehee
October 22, 1841 (Age 51 years)
Death of a motherRebecca James
1845 (Age 54 years)
Death of a sisterRuth McGehee
1862 (Age 71 years)
Death October 2, 1898 (Age 108 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Lucas Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Jonathan McGehee
Birth: 1769 29Richmond, Georgia, United States
Death: October 22, 1841Braxton, Simpson, Mississippi, United States
Rebecca James
Birth: about 1773Rocky Face, Whitfield, Georgia, United States
Death: 1845Braxton, Simpson, Mississippi, United States
Marriage: November 19, 1793Richmond, Georgia, United States
-4 years
Holden McGehee
Birth: March 12, 1790 21 17Georgia, United States
Death: October 2, 1898San Augustine, Texas, United States
16 years
younger sister
Ruth McGehee
Birth: 1805 36 32
Death: 1862Simpson, Mississippi, United States

Holden McGehee has 0 first cousins recorded

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