Mary E Tina HollandAge: 90 years1891–1981
- Name
- Mary E Tina Holland
- Given names
- Mary E Tina
- Surname
- Holland
- Married name
- Mary E Tina Stater
Birth | August 18, 1891 39 35 |
Birth of a sister | Mabel R Holland May 4, 1894 (Age 2 years) |
Census | June 26, 1900 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Ann Lucas Walker “Anna” Hunter June 9, 1908 (Age 16 years) |
Marriage | Clarence Milligan Stater — View this family December 24, 1908 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a paternal grandfather | John Wesley Holland December 29, 1910 (Age 19 years) |
Death of a mother | Lydia Margurette Garner August 13, 1931 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a father | George Samuel Holland December 6, 1936 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a husband | Clarence Milligan Stater April 21, 1952 (Age 60 years) |
Death of a brother | John Frederick Holland March 22, 1960 (Age 68 years) |
Death of a sister | Matilda Annie “Tilda” Holland September 1, 1965 (Age 74 years) |
Death of a brother | Timothy Floyd Holland December 16, 1967 (Age 76 years) |
Death of a brother | Luther Franklin Holland July 12, 1972 (Age 80 years) |
Death of a brother | Harry Irwin Holland April 1979 (Age 87 years) |
Death | November 2, 1981 (Age 90 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Montecito Memorial Park |
Family with parents |
father |
George Samuel Holland Birth: February 13, 1852 21 18 — Logan, Kentucky, United States Death: December 6, 1936 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States |
mother |
Lydia Margurette Garner Birth: April 8, 1856 — Georgia, United States Death: August 13, 1931 — Olinger, Lawrence, Missouri, United States |
Marriage: November 19, 1874 — Marion, Illinois, United States |
11 months elder brother |
Timothy Floyd Holland Birth: October 25, 1875 23 19 — Illinois, United States Death: December 16, 1967 — Stanislaus, California, United States |
3 years elder sister |
Matilda Annie “Tilda” Holland Birth: October 1878 26 22 — Tonti, Marion, Illinois, United States Death: September 1, 1965 — Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States |
13 months elder brother |
Luther Franklin Holland Birth: November 1, 1879 27 23 — Marion, Illinois, United States Death: July 12, 1972 — Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States |
3 years elder brother |
John Frederick Holland Birth: January 7, 1883 30 26 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: March 22, 1960 — Fulton, Callaway, Missouri, United States |
6 years elder brother |
Harry Irwin Holland Birth: February 4, 1889 36 32 — Phelps, Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: April 1979 — Whittier, Los Angeles, California, United States |
3 years herself |
Mary E Tina Holland Birth: August 18, 1891 39 35 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: November 2, 1981 — Yucaipa, San Bernardino, California, United States |
3 years younger sister |
Mabel R Holland Birth: May 4, 1894 42 38 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: September 16, 1983 — San Bernardino, California, United States |
Family with Clarence Milligan Stater |
husband |
Clarence Milligan Stater Birth: September 17, 1889 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: April 21, 1952 — Riverside, Riverside, California, United States |
herself |
Mary E Tina Holland Birth: August 18, 1891 39 35 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States Death: November 2, 1981 — Yucaipa, San Bernardino, California, United States |
Marriage: December 24, 1908 — Lawrence, Missouri, United States |
Mary E Tina Holland has 28 first cousins recorded
Father's family (28)
Parents John Walker Holland + Mary Elizabeth “Molly” Kirby
Parents John Walker Holland + Ida Van Dalson
Parents Thomas Jefferson Eaglin + Rebecca Elizabeth Holland
Parents Lewis Linn Black + Roxanna Rosalie Holland
Parents Michael Carr + Alpharetta C “Alpha” Holland
Parents Walter J Dungey + Hattie Belle Holland
Mother's family (0)
Census | 1900 United States - Census transcript - George Samuel Holland - Household
Lincoln, Lawrence, Missouri