Sarah Elizabeth DuncanAge: 33 years1832–1865
- Name
- Sarah Elizabeth Duncan
- Given names
- Sarah Elizabeth
- Surname
- Duncan
- Married name
- Sarah Elizabeth Grant
Birth | about 1832 32 28 Note: Birth year/place based on 1850 Census |
Birth of a brother | Thomas F Duncan about 1833 (Age 12 months) Note: Birth place/year based on 1850 Census |
Birth of a brother | Wiley Duncan about 1836 (Age 4 years) Note: Birth date/place based on 1850 Census |
Birth of a sister | Nancy Jane Duncan May 9, 1838 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a sister | Cynthia Duncan about 1838 (Age 6 years) Note: Birth place/year based on 1850 Census |
Census | June 1, 1840 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a sister | Martha Elizabeth Duncan June 2, 1842 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a sister | Minerva Duncan about 1844 (Age 12 years) Note: Birth place/year based on 1850 Census |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Thomas Duncan before November 3, 1845 (Age 13 years) |
Death of a father | Philip Duncan about 1845 (Age 13 years) Note: Died before 1850 Census |
Marriage | Thaddeus Theophilus Grant — View this family March 8, 1849 (Age 17 years) |
Death of a brother | Thomas F Duncan about 1865 (on the date of death) Note: Assumed he died in the Civil War |
Death | about 1865 (Age 33 years) Note: Sarah was listed in the 1860 Census; but, could not be found in the 1870 Census. Her youngest daughter, Lucinda, was shown in the 1870 Census living with Mary (sister) and John Black (Mary's husband). It is assumed that Sarah died sometime between the 1860 and 1870 Census. |
Family with parents |
father |
Philip Duncan Birth: about 1800 35 35 — Tennessee, United States Death: about 1845 — Tennessee, United States |
mother |
Mary Elizabeth Crawford Birth: about 1804 — North Carolina, United States Death: about 1884 — Faulkner, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: October 25, 1821 — Grainger, Tennessee, United States |
6 years elder sister |
Eliza Duncan Birth: about 1827 27 23 — Tennessee, United States Death: |
22 months elder brother |
John Arthur Bryan Duncan Birth: November 11, 1828 28 24 — Tennessee, United States Death: July 4, 1912 — Tennessee, United States |
4 years herself |
Sarah Elizabeth Duncan Birth: about 1832 32 28 — Tennessee, United States Death: about 1865 — Crawford, Arkansas, United States |
2 years younger brother |
Thomas F Duncan Birth: about 1833 33 29 — Tennessee, United States Death: about 1865 |
4 years younger brother |
Wiley Duncan Birth: about 1836 36 32 — Tennessee, United States Death: |
2 years younger sister |
Nancy Jane Duncan Birth: May 9, 1838 38 34 — Tennessee, United States Death: September 29, 1912 — Arkansas, United States |
8 months younger sister |
Cynthia Duncan Birth: about 1838 38 34 — Tennessee, United States Death: |
4 years younger sister |
Martha Elizabeth Duncan Birth: June 2, 1842 42 38 — Tennessee, United States Death: June 12, 1922 — Dallas, Texas, United States |
3 years younger sister |
Minerva Duncan Birth: about 1844 44 40 — Tennessee, United States Death: |
Family with Thaddeus Theophilus Grant |
husband |
Thaddeus Theophilus Grant Birth: about 1827 — North Carolina, United States Death: June 28, 1925 — Brazos, Texas, United States |
herself |
Sarah Elizabeth Duncan Birth: about 1832 32 28 — Tennessee, United States Death: about 1865 — Crawford, Arkansas, United States |
Marriage: March 8, 1849 — Butler, Missouri, United States |
Sarah Elizabeth Duncan has 14 first cousins recorded
Father's family (14)
Parents Benjamin Duncan + Vita “Lucy” Fortner
Mother's family (0)
Birth | Birth year/place based on 1850 Census | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Census | 1840 United States - Census transcript - Philip Duncan - Household
Knox, Tennessee, United States
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Death | Sarah was listed in the 1860 Census; but, could not be found in the 1870 Census. Her youngest daughter, Lucinda, was shown in the 1870 Census living with Mary (sister) and John Black (Mary's husband). It is assumed that Sarah died sometime between the 1860 and 1870 Census. |