The Shemwell Family

Peggy SimsAge: 22 years18371859

Peggy Sims
Given names
Married name
Peggy Smith
Birth about 1837
Note: Superintendent Registrar's District Wallingford
MarriageMark SmithView this family
about 1857 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Jane Smith
June 8, 1859 (Age 22 years)
Name: Mary Jane Smith Event Date: 1859 Event Place: Reading, Berkshire, England Registration District: Reading Event Type: Birth Registration Page: 355 Volume: 2C Affiliate Line Number: 19 Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar Registration Year: 1859
Additional Information
Mary Jane Smith living with her Aunt and Uncle

Note: FamilySearch Life Sketch: "From the 1861 Census we can see that after her mother died in 1859 M…
Death 1859 (Age 22 years)
Name: Peggy Smith Death Date: 1859 Death Place: Wallingford, Berkshire, England Event Type: Death Registration District: Wallingford Page: 201 Volume: 2C Affiliate Line Number: 4 Registration Quarter Oct-Nov-Dec Registration Year 1859
Note: Superintendent Registrar's District Wallingford
Identification number
Type: FamilySearch

Family with Mark Smith - View this family
Peggy Sims
Birth: about 1837England, United Kingdom
Death: 1859Wallingford, Berkshire, England
Marriage: about 1857England, United Kingdom
2 years
Mark Smith + Mary Isabella Webb - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: about 1869England, United Kingdom
21 months
John Webb Smith
Birth: September 23, 1870 34 32Dorchester, Oxfordshire, England
Death: May 24, 1928Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
2 years
Annie Smith
Birth: January 16, 1873 36 35Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
Death: December 28, 1931Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
4 years
Eleanor Webb Smith
Birth: June 3, 1877 41 39Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
Death: May 30, 1947Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
3 years
Frederick Webb Smith
Birth: June 19, 1880 44 42Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
Death: July 21, 1940Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
William Webb Smith
Birth: June 19, 1880 44 42Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada
Death: August 25, 1938Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario, Canada

No family available

DeathEngland and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008
Name: Peggy Smith Death Date: 1859 Death Place: Wallingford, Berkshire, England Event Type: Death Registration District: Wallingford Page: 201 Volume: 2C Affiliate Line Number: 4 Registration Quarter Oct-Nov-Dec Registration Year 1859
Superintendent Registrar's District Wallingford Registrar's District Cholsey 1859 Deaths in the District of Cholsey in the County of Berks & Oxford Second November 1859 Dorchester Peggy Smith, Female, 22 years, Wife of Mark Smith, Baker Pneumonia, Morbus Brightii (acute or chronic nephritiis - kidney disease) Certified Informant : Mark Smith, Present at the death, Dorchester
Additional Information
FamilySearch Life Sketch: "From the 1861 Census we can see that after her mother died in 1859 Mary Jane is sent as a baby/toddler to live with her aunt Esther Belcher (nee Smith) and uncle Joseph Belcher in Little Wittenham, near Dorchester (On Thames), Oxfordshire. May Jane would have known Wittenham Clumps, with trees set high up on a hill. It is now in a nature reserve which can be visited free of charge. Walking distance away are car parking, cafes and hotels in nearby Dorchester (Oxfordshire) which has it's own Abbey. Dorchester Abbey is usually open and there is museum (not often open, so please check timings). Her Aunt and Uncle say that Mary Jane was born within St. Mary's Parish in Reading. St. Mary's is actually St. Mary the Virgin an impressive chequered building with an active congregation. It is of Anglican, Protestant faith and is the Minster church for Reading. Meaning that it was originally buit in Anglo Saxon times (in this case the 7th Century) when originally a community of clergy lived there. Her uncle, Joseph Belcher may have died in 1873 as the English GRO Index has a death registered for that date in Wallingford, which is the registration district for Little Wittenham Berkshire/Oxfordshire in England. Did a long term illness of her uncle Joseph Belcher cause her immigration to the United States in 1870?"
Superintendent Registrar's District Wallingford Registrar's District Cholsey 1859 Deaths in the District of Cholsey in the County of Berks & Oxford Second November 1859 Dorchester Peggy Smith, Female, 22 years, Wife of Mark Smith, Baker Pneumonia, Morbus Brightii (acute or chronic nephritiis - kidney disease) Certified Informant : Mark Smith, Present at the death, Dorchester