The Shemwell Family

Mary Ann LeachAge: 79 years18611940

Mary Ann Leach
Given names
Mary Ann
Married name
Mary Ann Frost
Birth February 3, 1861
MarriageWilliam White FrostView this family
December 21, 1884 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Adeline Bridgett “Ada” Frost
October 14, 1885 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Catherine Elizabeth “Kate” Frost
May 12, 1887 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
William Eugene “Gene” Frost
May 8, 1890 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
George Michael Frost Sr.
April 22, 1894 (Age 33 years)
Death of a daughterCatherine Elizabeth “Kate” Frost
November 29, 1918 (Age 57 years)
Death of a husbandWilliam White Frost
February 2, 1922 (Age 60 years)
Death March 23, 1940 (Age 79 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Seligman Cemetery
Family with William White Frost - View this family
Marriage: December 21, 1884Seligman, Barry, Missouri, United States
10 months
Adeline Bridgett “Ada” Frost
Birth: October 14, 1885 28 24Seligman, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: January 16, 1954Hays, Ellis, Kansas, United States
19 months
Catherine Elizabeth “Kate” Frost
Birth: May 12, 1887 30 26Seligman, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: November 29, 1918Seligman, Barry, Missouri, United States
3 years
William Eugene “Gene” Frost
Birth: May 8, 1890 33 29Seligman, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: May 3, 1955Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, United States
4 years
George Michael Frost Sr.
Birth: April 22, 1894 36 33Seligman, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: October 16, 1976Overland Park, Johnson, Kansas, United States

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