The Shemwell Family

Winfield Scott HurstAge: 88 years18521941

Winfield Scott Hurst
Given names
Winfield Scott
Birth October 5, 1852
MarriageEmma Josephine FrostView this family
April 16, 1882 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mable Clara Hurst
August 14, 1883 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
Waldo Ross Hurst Sr.
May 8, 1885 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
Garland Frost Hurst Sr.
June 2, 1887 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
Thurman Scott Hurst
April 28, 1889 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a daughter
Beulah Josephine Hurst
June 2, 1891 (Age 38 years)
Birth of a son
William Simpson Hurst
March 22, 1894 (Age 41 years)
Death of a sonWaldo Ross Hurst Sr.
September 14, 1928 (Age 75 years)
Death January 12, 1941 (Age 88 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Highland Cemetery
Family with Emma Josephine Frost - View this family
Marriage: April 16, 1882Cassville, Barry, Missouri, United States
16 months
Mable Clara Hurst
Birth: August 14, 1883 30 23Cassville, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: November 23, 1962Pawnee, Pawnee, Oklahoma, United States
21 months
Waldo Ross Hurst Sr.
Birth: May 8, 1885 32 25Cassville, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: September 14, 1928Pawnee, Oklahoma, United States
2 years
Garland Frost Hurst Sr.
Birth: June 2, 1887 34 27Cassville, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: October 4, 1949Houston, Harris, Texas, United States
23 months
Thurman Scott Hurst
Birth: April 28, 1889 36 29Cassville, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: September 12, 1975Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
2 years
Beulah Josephine Hurst
Birth: June 2, 1891 38 31Cassville, Barry, Missouri, United States
Death: January 14, 1950Tulare, California, United States
3 years
William Simpson Hurst
Birth: March 22, 1894 41 34Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, United States
Death: June 8, 1964Duncan, Stephens, Oklahoma, United States

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