Bill Alonzo DonnellAge: 84 years1926–2010
- Name
- Bill Alonzo Donnell
- Given names
- Bill Alonzo
- Surname
- Donnell
Birth | January 12, 1926 30 27 |
Birth of a brother | Harold Raymond Donnell May 9, 1933 (Age 7 years) |
Death of a brother | Harold Raymond Donnell May 25, 1934 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a brother | Lonnie Donnell October 8, 1934 (Age 8 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Mary Melissa Kittrell December 12, 1950 (Age 24 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Rosella Vee “Penny” Donnell March 20, 1955 (Age 29 years) |
Death of a daughter | Rosella Vee “Penny” Donnell March 7, 1973 (Age 47 years) |
Death of a father | Clarence Alonzo Donnell January 18, 1983 (Age 57 years) |
Death of a mother | Tabitha Adaline Huffman November 21, 1987 (Age 61 years) |
Death of a wife | LaVonne Adelle Sloan March 29, 2000 (Age 74 years) |
Death | October 25, 2010 (Age 84 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Clarence Alonzo Donnell Birth: July 15, 1895 26 21 — Eureka Springs, Carroll, Arkansas, United States Death: January 18, 1983 — Miami, Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States |
mother |
Tabitha Adaline Huffman Birth: January 10, 1899 — Carroll, Arkansas, United States Death: November 21, 1987 — Miami, Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States |
elder sister |
Dorothy Loraine Donnell Birth: September 8, 1922 27 23 — Eureka Springs, Carroll, Arkansas, United States Death: July 19, 1925 — Hockerville, Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States |
3 years himself |
Bill Alonzo Donnell Birth: January 12, 1926 30 27 — Hockerville, Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States Death: October 25, 2010 — Lovell, Big Horn, Wyoming, United States |
brother |
Private |
sister |
Private |
sister |
Private |
younger brother |
Harold Raymond Donnell Birth: May 9, 1933 37 34 — Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States Death: May 25, 1934 — Hockerville, Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States |
17 months younger brother |
Lonnie Donnell Birth: October 8, 1934 39 35 — Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States Death: May 7, 2012 — Jasper, Missouri, United States |
Family with LaVonne Adelle Sloan |
himself |
Bill Alonzo Donnell Birth: January 12, 1926 30 27 — Hockerville, Ottawa, Oklahoma, United States Death: October 25, 2010 — Lovell, Big Horn, Wyoming, United States |
wife |
LaVonne Adelle Sloan Birth: June 15, 1928 — Harlowton, Wheatland, Montana, United States Death: March 29, 2000 — Portland, Clackamas, Oregon, United States |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Rosella Vee “Penny” Donnell Birth: March 20, 1955 29 26 — Philipsburg, Granite, Montana, United States Death: March 7, 1973 — Reno, Washoe, Nevada, United States |
Bill Alonzo Donnell has 3 first cousins recorded
Father's family (3)
Parents William Thomas “Bill” Donnell + Mary Ann Hoskins