The Shemwell Family

Dorothy Aileen DriscollAge: 64 years19221987

Dorothy Aileen Driscoll
Given names
Dorothy Aileen
Married name
Dorothy Aileen Troutman
Birth June 15, 1922 29 27
Census April 11, 1930 (Age 7 years)
Census April 15, 1940 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a son
John Lew Troutman
October 17, 1941 (Age 19 years)
Census April 17, 1950 (Age 27 years)
Death of a motherGrace May Hartman
March 14, 1975 (Age 52 years)
Death of a fatherJohn Eugene Driscoll
January 11, 1981 (Age 58 years)
Death January 31, 1987 (Age 64 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Valhalla Memorial Park
Family with parents - View this family
John Eugene Driscoll
Birth: December 13, 1892Giard, Clayton, Iowa, United States
Death: January 11, 1981Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Grace May Hartman
Birth: April 27, 1895Alamosa, Colorado, United States
Death: March 14, 1975Bellflower, Los Angeles, California, United States
Marriage: August 15, 1921Alamosa, Alamosa, Colorado, United States
10 months
Dorothy Aileen Driscoll
Birth: June 15, 1922 29 27Alamosa, Colorado, United States
Death: January 31, 1987Duarte, Los Angeles, California, United States
Family with Louis Arthur Troutman Jr - View this family
Louis Arthur Troutman Jr
Birth: July 10, 1919 24 24Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States
Death: January 18, 1994Palm Springs, Riverside, California, United States
Dorothy Aileen Driscoll
Birth: June 15, 1922 29 27Alamosa, Colorado, United States
Death: January 31, 1987Duarte, Los Angeles, California, United States
John Lew Troutman
Birth: October 17, 1941 22 19Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
Death: October 12, 2003Lake Havasu City, Mohave, Arizona, United States

Dorothy Aileen Driscoll has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - John Eugene Driscoll - Household

Montebello, Los Angeles, California, United

Hartman, Edgar GheadR25RMW67M33NoYesIASwedenINYesLaborerRadio WarehouseWNoNo
Hartman, Frankie EwifeFW56M22NoYesTNTNTNYesNone
Driscoll, John Eson-in-lawMW37M28NoYesIAIATNYesSwitchmanSteam RailwayWYesNo
Driscoll, Grace MdaughterFW35M26NoYesCOIATNYesNone
Driscoll, Dorothy Agrand daughterFW7SYesCOIACONone