The Shemwell Family

LaVelle C Age: 76 years19071983

LaVelle C
Given names
LaVelle C
Married name
LaVelle C Rouch
Birth September 24, 1907

MarriageFrank Roland RouchView this family
after 1950 (Age 42 years)
Note: Frank and Lavelle's separate Social Security Death Indices show that their last place of residence was Will, Oklahoma. Since Frank was shown living with his mother, Etta, in the 1950 Census ... it is assumed he married Lavelle after 1950.
Death of a husbandFrank Roland Rouch
April 1976 (Age 68 years)
Death October 1983 (Age 76 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Woodlawn Memorial Park I
Family with Frank Roland Rouch - View this family
Marriage: after 1950Illinois, United States
Frank Roland Rouch + Evelyn C Davis - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: before 1940Illinois, United States

No family available

Frank and Lavelle's separate Social Security Death Indices show that their last place of residence was Will, Oklahoma. Since Frank was shown living with his mother, Etta, in the 1950 Census ... it is assumed he married Lavelle after 1950.