The Shemwell Family

Ora B CoxAge: 4 years18781883

Ora B Cox
Given names
Ora B
Birth May 1878 41 38
Census June 1, 1880 (Age 2 years)
Death January 14, 1883 (Age 4 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Belle Plaine Cemetery
Note: "Daughter of J.H. and E.J. Cox
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 21, 1858Macon, Illinois, United States
10 months
elder sister
Mary Eliza Cox
Birth: November 28, 1858 21 19Illinois, United States
Death: January 20, 1928Kansas, United States
16 months
elder sister
Flora Isabel Cox
Birth: April 3, 1860 23 20Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: August 20, 1860Macon, Illinois, United States
14 months
elder sister
20 months
elder brother
11 months
elder sister
Minnie B Cox
Birth: 1863 25 23Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: August 12, 1866Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
12 years
elder sister
Myrtle H Cox
Birth: June 23, 1874 37 34Illinois, United States
Death: March 14, 1953Kansas, United States
4 years
Ora B Cox
Birth: May 1878 41 38Kansas, United States
Death: January 14, 1883Belle Plaine, Sumner, Kansas, United States

Ora B Cox has 44 first cousins recorded

Census1880 United States - Census transcript - James Henry Cox - Household

ED 196 Palestine, Sumner, Kansas, United States

Cox, HenryWM43headMFarmerIL
Cox, Elizabeth JWF43wifeMKeeping HouseINKY
Cox, Laurel AliceWF18daughterSILILIN
Cox, Joseph SWM17sonSFarm LaborerxILILIN
Cox, MertieWF5daughterSILILIN
Cox, OraWF2daughterSKSILIN

Elizabeth Jane Cox (nee Troutman) Obituary and Family Listing BELLE PLAINE NEWS, JULY 23, 1925. MRS. ELIZABETH COX Elizabeth Jane Troutman was born near Logansport, Indiana, Sept. 8, 1839 and died at her home near Belle Plaine July, 15 th, 1925, aged 85 years 10 months and 8 days. She was united in marriage to James Henry Cox Jan. 21, 1858. To this union seven children were born, four of whom survive. They are Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Mrs. A.L. Barner, Mr. Joseph Cox and Mrs. Mertie H. Fisher. She leaves 12 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, two sisters: Mrs. Phoebe Miller, and Mrs. Julia Gulick of Decatur, Ill;, one brother, Mr. Jacob Troutman of Atlanta, Kansas. Mrs. Cox came to Kansas from Decatur, Ill., in 1871, settling in the neighborhood of her last dwelling place at that time. The Cox family has been one of the real early day families of the Ninnescah valley and the characteristics of kindness and thoughtfulness that was so nobly exemplified in the life of this grand old community mother is bound to leave a feeling of deepest regret at her passing by neighbors far and near. Her later years were saddened by the fight she had to make against the inroads of a cancer. Mrs. Cox had been a member of the Methodist church for years. the funeral services were held at the Palestine church at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. burial was made in the Belle Plaine cemetery.
Myrtle H Cox Obituary and Family Listing BELLE PLAINE NEWS Mar 19, 1953 Rites Held For Mirtie Fisher Funeral services for Mrs. Mirtie Fisher, 78, a lifelong residence of this community, who died Saturday, March 14 in the Wichita Hospital, were held in the Methodist Church Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. Major W. Parker officiated. Marjorie Utt and Mary Ruth Howe, accompanied by Pauline Pipkin, sang "In the Garden", and "Beautiful Isle". Casket bearers were Earl Bainter, Leslie Richardson, James Lowrey, Frank Birder, Clay Ratcliff, and Will Wright. Interment was in the Belle Plaine Cemetery with Hatfield Funeral Home in charge. OBITUARY Myrtie H. Cox Fisher was born June 23rd, 1874 in Decator, Ill. and departed this life March 14th, 1953 at the Wichita Hospital, after a short illness, at the age of 78 years, 8 months and 9 days. She was the daughter of James H. and Elizabeth Jane Trautman Cox. In this family was born four sisters and one brother, all preceding her in death. She came with the family to the Whitman community when she was 2 years of age and had lived in this community until the time of her death. To her was born two daughters, Ines(INEZ?) May Gray of Belle Plaine and Merta Jane Totten of Oxford, Kans. She leaves to mourn her death two daughters, Mrs. Marlin Gray and Mrs. Harold Totten, two grand sons, Bern Gray of Wichita, Kan., and Olin Totton of Oxford. One grand daughter, Phylis Totten(sp?) of Oxford. One grand daughter, Vernadine Totton, preceeded her in death. Several nieces and nephews and a host of relatives and friends.
"Daughter of J.H. and E.J. Cox Aged 4 years 8 months 16 days"