Jared Winslow PughAge: 25 years1855–1880
- Name
- Jared Winslow Pugh
- Given names
- Jared Winslow
- Surname
- Pugh
Birth | March 8, 1855 25 18 |
Death of a mother | Martha Ann Barnett March 9, 1855 (Age 1 day) |
Marriage of a parent | Robert Pugh — Susan Troutman — View this family May 22, 1857 (Age 2 years) Source: Indiana Marriages, 1811-2019 Text: Name: Robert Pugh
Sex: Male
Spouse's Name: Susan Troutman
Spouse's Sex: Female
Marriage License Date: 22 May 1857
Marriage License Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States
Event Type: Marriage License
Page: 405
Number of Images: 1 |
Birth of a half-sister | Ella May Pugh August 29, 1858 (Age 3 years) |
Census | June 13, 1860 (Age 5 years) |
Death | July 3, 1880 (Age 25 years) |
Burial | Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Topeka Cemetery |
Family with parents |
father |
Robert Pugh Birth: January 26, 1830 — Preble, Ohio, United States Death: May 22, 1898 — Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, United States |
mother |
Martha Ann Barnett Birth: September 26, 1836 — Indiana, United States Death: March 9, 1855 — Indiana, United States |
Marriage: October 4, 1852 — Fulton, Indiana, United States |
2 years himself |
Jared Winslow Pugh Birth: March 8, 1855 25 18 — Indiana, United States Death: July 3, 1880 — Kansas, United States |
Father’s family with Susan Troutman |
father |
Robert Pugh Birth: January 26, 1830 — Preble, Ohio, United States Death: May 22, 1898 — Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, United States |
step-mother |
Susan Troutman Birth: August 13, 1839 39 40 — Fulton, Indiana, United States Death: March 7, 1928 — Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, United States |
Marriage: May 22, 1857 — Fulton, Indiana, United States |
15 months half-sister |
Ella May Pugh Birth: August 29, 1858 28 19 — Fulton, Indiana, United States Death: September 24, 1885 — Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, United States |
Jared Winslow Pugh has 0 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (0)
Census | 1860 United States - Census transcript - Rachel Troutman - Household
Union, Fulton, Indiana, United States