The Shemwell Family

Samuel Jacob TroutmanAge: 57 years18841942

Samuel Jacob Troutman
Given names
Samuel Jacob
Birth May 5, 1884 35 30
Birth of a sisterMinnie Jane Troutman
May 24, 1887 (Age 3 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJoel Morrison
June 7, 1888 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherInfant Troutman
September 23, 1895 (Age 11 years)
Death of a brotherInfant Troutman
September 23, 1895 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherPeter Troutman
November 12, 1899 (Age 15 years)
Census June 20, 1900 (Age 16 years)
Census April 27, 1910 (Age 25 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherMary Ann Stahl
May 1, 1912 (Age 27 years)
Death of a motherSarah Sipes Morrison
1913 (Age 28 years)
Census 1925 (Age 40 years)
Census April 14, 1930 (Age 45 years)
Death of a fatherJacob Troutman
April 14, 1932 (Age 47 years)
Death of a brotherFrederick Busher Troutman
June 1, 1933 (Age 49 years)
Census April 1, 1940 (Age 55 years)
Death 1942 (Age 57 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Sharon Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 20, 1876Macon, Illinois, United States
9 months
elder brother
Frederick Busher Troutman
Birth: June 17, 1877 28 23Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: June 1, 1933Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinois, United States
3 years
elder sister
Carrie O Troutman
Birth: April 28, 1880 31 26Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: August 18, 1880Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
23 months
elder sister
2 years
Samuel Jacob Troutman
Birth: May 5, 1884 35 30Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: 1942Illinois, United States
3 years
younger sister
Minnie Jane Troutman
Birth: May 24, 1887 38 33Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: September 22, 1970Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States
8 years
younger brother
Infant Troutman
Birth: September 23, 1895 46 41Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States
Death: September 23, 1895Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States

Samuel Jacob Troutman has 34 first cousins recorded

CensusKansas State Census, 1925
Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Jacob Troutman - Household

ED 46 Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States

Troutman, JacobheadWMOct184851M24INKYPAFarmerYesYesYesOF
Troutman, SarahwifeWFSep185346M2464PAPAPAYesYesYes
Troutman, Fred BsonWMJun187622SILINPAFarmerYesYesYes
Troutman, Nora MdaughterWFMay188218M0ILINPAYesYesYes
Troutman, Samuel JsonWM188616SILINPAAt School9YesYesYes
Troutman, MinniedaughterWF188813SILINPAAt School9YesYesYes

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Jacob Troutman - Household

ED 55 Omnia, Cowley, Kansas, United States

Troutman, JacobheadMW62M34INKYINEnglishOdd JobsWYesYesRH
Troutman, Sarah SwifeFW55M3464PAPAPAEnglishNoneYesYes
Troutman, Samuel JsonMW24SILINPAEnglishLiveryOwn Barn??YesYes
Troutman, Minnie JdaughterFW22SILINPAEnglishNoneYesYes

CensusKansas State - Census transcript - Jacob Troutman - Household

Atlanta, Cowley, Kansas, United States

Troutman, JacobheadMW72WdINFarmer
Troutman, SamsonMW40SKSClerk
Troutman, MinniedaughterFW36SKSClerk

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Samuel J Troutman - Household

ED 22 Atlanta, Cowley, Kansas, United States

Troutman, Sam JheadO1500NoMW45SNoYesILINPAYesMerchantGeneral Store9V91OYesNo
Troutman, Minnie JsisterFW41SNoYesILINPAYesMerchantGeneral Store9V91OYes
Troutman, JacobfatherMW81WdNoYesINKYPAYesNone

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Samuel J Troutman - Household

Atlanta, Cowley, Kansas, United States

Troutman, Sam JxheadO1500NoMW56SNoILLaborerFarmPW
Troutman, MinniesisterFW50SNoIL

Jacob Troutman Obituary and Family Listing This newspaper article documents the life and death of Jacob Troutman. It documents his parents and family. Please see the obituary listed under Jacob Troutman for a full copy of the article.
Fred Troutman Obituary and Family Listing Fred D. Troutman, 56, died Thursday in a hospital in Jacksonville of paralysis. He was born in Harristown and spent most of his life in that vicinity as a farmer. He was a member of the Harristown Christian church and the Masonic lodge. He was married in March 1901 to Miss Rosa D. Musser of Decatur. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs.Ralph McArty and Mrs. R. E. Baer of Harristown, a brother, Samuel of Atlanta, KS, two sisters, Mrs. Nora Churchman of Decatur and Miss Minnie Troutman of Atlanta, Kan. Funeral services will be held Sunday in the Christian church with burial in the Harristown cemetery. Decatur Daily Review 6/2/1933 Obituary furnished by Janet Donner