The Shemwell Family

Levi Parker FoglesongAge: 37 years18251862

Levi Parker Foglesong
Given names
Levi Parker
Birth February 28, 1825
MarriageMalinda ClarkView this family
February 17, 1848 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Foglesong
March 10, 1849 (Age 24 years)
Census July 23, 1850 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Martha Foglesong
February 13, 1851 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Foglesong
1853 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
John William Foglesong
January 20, 1855 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a daughter
Phoebe Foglesong
June 6, 1857 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
John Foglesong
about 1859 (Age 33 years)
Note: Birth year/place based on 1850 Census
Birth of a daughter
Rebecca Anne Foglesong
November 15, 1859 (Age 34 years)
Death of a daughterRebecca Anne Foglesong
May 5, 1860 (Age 35 years)
Census August 14, 1860 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
Henry Levi Foglesong
June 19, 1861 (Age 36 years)
Death August 28, 1862 (Age 37 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Zion Methodist Church Cemetery
Family with Malinda Clark - View this family
Marriage: February 17, 1848Fulton, Indiana, United States
13 months
23 months
Martha Foglesong
Birth: February 13, 1851 25 18Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: October 22, 1893Tipton, Cass, Indiana, United States
3 years
Sarah Foglesong
Birth: 1853 27 19Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: October 22, 1944Indiana, United States
2 years
John William Foglesong
Birth: January 20, 1855 29 22Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: May 21, 1946Los Angeles, California, United States
2 years
Phoebe Foglesong
Birth: June 6, 1857 32 24Indiana, United States
Death: October 21, 1926Cass, Indiana, United States
3 years
John Foglesong
Birth: about 1859 33 25Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States
10 months
Rebecca Anne Foglesong
Birth: November 15, 1859 34 26Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: May 5, 1860Cass, Indiana, United States
19 months
Henry Levi Foglesong
Birth: June 19, 1861 36 28Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: December 19, 1930Indiana, United States
Roger Whitfield + Malinda Clark - View this family
wife’s husband
Roger Whitfield
Birth: February 10, 1843England, United Kingdom
Death: February 20, 1901Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States
Marriage: September 10, 1864Cass, Indiana, United States
9 months
Elizabeth Elanor Whitfield
Birth: June 17, 1865 22 32Royal Center, Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: August 20, 1938Puyallup, Pierce, Washington, United States
2 years
Emma M Whitfield
Birth: September 25, 1867 24 34Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: June 5, 1952Cass, Indiana, United States
3 years
Rosa Whitfield
Birth: March 13, 1870 27 37Cass, Indiana, United States
Death: February 10, 1872Cass, Indiana, United States

No family available

Census1850 United States - Census transcript - Levi Parker Foglesong - Household

Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States

Levi Fogglesonghead25MWFarmer1200IN
Malinda Fogglesongwife17FWOH
Mary Fogglesongdaughter1FWIN

Census1860 United States - Census transcript - Levi Parker Foglesong - Household

Harrison, Cass, Indiana, United States

Levi Parker Foglesonghead35MWFarmer60050IN
Malinda Foglesongwife27FWIN
Mary Foglesongdaughter10FWINx
Martha Foglesongdaughter9FWINx
Sarah Foglesongdaughter7FWIN
John William Foglesongson5MWIN
Phoebe Foglesongdaughter3FWIN
John Foglesongson1MWIN