The Shemwell Family

Sophia HowardAge: 75 years18481924

Sophia Howard
Given names
Married name
Sophia Clark
Married name
Sophia Kenney
Married name
Sophia Veitch
Birth December 24, 1848
MarriageThomas KenneyView this family
August 15, 1864 (Age 15 years)
Name: Thomas Kenny Sex: Male Father's Name: Eugene Kenny Father's Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Sophia Howard Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Father's Name: James Howard Spouse's Father's Sex: Male Marriage Date: 15 Aug 1864 Marriage Place: Sunderland, Durham, England, United Kingdom Marriage Place (Original): Sunderland, Durham, England Event Type: Marriage Source Details: pg 63, rn 190
Birth of a daughter
Helena Kenney
October 15, 1864 (Age 15 years)
Name: Helena Kenny Sex: Female Christening Date: 10 Nov 1864 Christening Place: Sunderland, Durham, England, United Kingdom Christening Place (Original): St Marys, Sunderland, Durham, England Birth Date: 15 Oct 1864 Father's Name: Thomas Kenny Father's Sex: Male Mother's Name: Sophie Howan Mother's Sex: Female Event Type: Christening
Birth of a daughter
Eleanor Kenney
October 15, 1866 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Jane Kenney
April 2, 1868 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a daughter
Infant Kenney
about 1870 (Age 21 years)
Sophia Howard and Children Ship Voyage
June 27, 1870 (Age 21 years)
Note: The ship log shows that Sophia Howard came to the United States (NY) on the Manhattan 27 June 1872. Says she came with three children Ellen-7, Elizabeth-4 and (child)-2. The young child would have died after 1872 and probably before 1880 as he/she isn`t in the 1880 Census with the mother.
MarriageAbraham S ClarkView this family
about 1878 (Age 29 years)
Note: Marriage info based on birth of first child
Birth of a daughter
Margaret Cora “Ida” Clark
August 7, 1879 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Euphemia Sophie “Effie” Clark
1879 (Age 30 years)
Note: Many records state she was born on Oct 25, 1880. However, in the 1880 she was listed as 7 months old. This would suggest a 1879 birth year.
Birth of a son
James Young Clark
1879 (Age 30 years)
Note: Birth year is from Tombstone photo
Death of a daughterInfant Kenney
between 1872 and 1880 (Age 23 years)

Census June 2, 1880 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Albert J Clark
1881 (Age 32 years)
Marriage of a childForest HoodElizabeth Jane KenneyView this family
about 1886 (Age 37 years)
Note: 1900 Census shows that Forrest and Elizabeth had been married for 14 years.
Marriage of a childThomas Cartwright CrawfordEleanor KenneyView this family
April 30, 1890 (Age 41 years)
Name: Thomas Cartwright Crawford Sex: Male Age: 30 Birth Year (Estimated): 1860 Birthplace: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Eleanor Kenney Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Age: 24 Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1866 Spouse's Birthplace: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Marriage Date: 30 Apr 1890 Marriage Place: Salt Lake, Utah, United States Event Type: Marriage
Marriage of a childArthur Oscar TruelsonEuphemia Sophie “Effie” ClarkView this family
September 22, 1896 (Age 47 years)
Name: Arthur Truelson Sex: Male Age: 21 Birth Year (Estimated): 1875 Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Effie Sophie Clark Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Age: 16 Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated): 1880 Marriage Date: 22 Sep 1896 Marriage Place: Salt Lake, Utah, United States Marriage Place (Original): Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Event Type: Marriage
Death of a sonAlbert J Clark
August 23, 1899 (Age 50 years)
Name: Albert J. Clark Sex: Male Age: 18 Death or Burial Date: 26 Aug 1899 Death or Burial Place: American Fork, Utah, Utah, United States Death or Burial Place (Original): American Fork, Utah, United States Death Date: 23 Aug 1899 Death Place: Salt Lake City, S.L., Utah Birth Year (Estimated): 1881 Birthplace: Utah Marital Status: Single Race: W Ethnicity: American Father's Name: Abraham S. Clark Father's Sex: Male Father's Birthplace: American Mother's Name: Sophia Howard Mother's Sex: Female Mother's Birthplace: Scotland Event Type: Burial Cemetery: Calvary Cem.
Marriage of a childJohn ShumwayMargaret Cora “Ida” ClarkView this family
about 1900 (Age 51 years)
Note: Marriage info based on 1900 Census
Census June 12, 1900 (Age 51 years)
Death of a husbandAbraham S Clark
July 10, 1908 (Age 59 years)
MarriageJames VeitchView this family
between 1910 and 1913 (Age 61 years)

Note: Marriage info based on 1910 Census and his death in 1913
Census April 27, 1910 (Age 61 years)
Death of a husbandJames Veitch
May 15, 1913 (Age 64 years)
Name: James Veitch Name Note: 10y in state Sex: Male Age: 68 Residence Place: Salt Lake, Ut. Death or Burial Date: 20 May 1913 Death or Burial Place: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Death Date: 15 May 1913 Death Place: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah Birth Year (Estimated): 1845 Birthplace: Ohio Marital Status: Widowed Occupation: Mining Prospector Race: white Ethnicity: American Father's Name: Unknown Father's Sex: Male Father's Birthplace: Unknown Mother's Name: Unknown Mother's Sex: Female Mother's Birthplace: Unknown Event Type: Burial Cemetery: Mt. Olivet Funeral Home: X

Robert Andrew DennyMargaret Cora “Ida” ClarkView this family
July 3, 1915 (Age 66 years)
Marriage of a childRobert Andrew DennyMargaret Cora “Ida” ClarkView this family
July 3, 1915 (Age 66 years)
Associate: James Veitch
Associate: Sophia Howard
Census January 7, 1920 (Age 71 years)
Death July 27, 1924 (Age 75 years)
Name: Sophia Howard Clark Sex: Female Age: 76 Death Date: 27 Jul 1924 Death Place: Los Angeles, California, United States Birth Year (Estimated): 1848 Father's Name: James Howard Mother's Name: Margaret Dolan Event Type: Death Document Number: 7220
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Calvary Cemetery
Family with Abraham S Clark - View this family
Marriage: about 1878Utah, United States
19 months
Margaret Cora “Ida” Clark
Birth: August 7, 1879 33 30Utah, United States
Death: August 29, 1957Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
5 months
Euphemia Sophie “Effie” Clark
Birth: 1879 33 30Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Death: January 23, 1937Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
1 year
James Young Clark
Birth: 1879 33 30Utah, United States
Death: September 15, 1942Los Angeles, California, United States
3 years
Albert J Clark
Birth: 1881 35 32Utah, United States
Death: August 23, 1899Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Family with Thomas Kenney - View this family
Marriage: August 15, 1864Sunderland, Durham, England, United Kingdom
2 months
Helena Kenney
Birth: October 15, 1864 18 15Sunderland, Durham, England, United Kingdom
2 years
Eleanor Kenney
Birth: October 15, 1866 20 17England, United Kingdom
Death: October 11, 1941Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
18 months
Elizabeth Jane Kenney
Birth: April 2, 1868 22 19England, United Kingdom
Death: February 6, 1936Los Angeles, California, United States
3 years
Infant Kenney
Birth: about 1870 24 21England, United Kingdom
Death: between 1872 and 1880
Family with James Veitch - View this family
James Veitch
Birth: 1846Ohio, United States
Death: May 15, 1913Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States
Marriage: between 1910 and 1913

No family available

MarriageEngland Marriages, 1538–1973
Name: Thomas Kenny Sex: Male Father's Name: Eugene Kenny Father's Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Sophia Howard Spouse's Sex: Female Spouse's Father's Name: James Howard Spouse's Father's Sex: Male Marriage Date: 15 Aug 1864 Marriage Place: Sunderland, Durham, England, United Kingdom Marriage Place (Original): Sunderland, Durham, England Event Type: Marriage Source Details: pg 63, rn 190
ImmigrationPassenger list of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1897
DeathCalifornia, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994
Name: Sophia Howard Clark Sex: Female Age: 76 Death Date: 27 Jul 1924 Death Place: Los Angeles, California, United States Birth Year (Estimated): 1848 Father's Name: James Howard Mother's Name: Margaret Dolan Event Type: Death Document Number: 7220
The ship log shows that Sophia Howard came to the United States (NY) on the Manhattan 27 June 1872. Says she came with three children Ellen-7, Elizabeth-4 and (child)-2. The young child would have died after 1872 and probably before 1880 as he/she isn`t in the 1880 Census with the mother.
Marriage info based on birth of first child
Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Abraham S Clark - Household

Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States

Clark, Abraham SWM33headMMinerINININ
Clark, Sophia HowardWF31wifeMKeeping HouseScotlandIrelandScotland
Clark, Elizabeth KenneyWF14daughterSSchool GirlxEnglandINScotland
Clark, Elizabeth JaneWF13daughterSSchool GirlxEnglandINScotland
Clark, Ida CoraWF5daughterSUTINScotland
Clark, James YooungWM3sonSUTINScotland
Clark, Effie SophiaWF0 years 7 monthsOctdaughterSTeethingUTINScotland

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Sophia Howard - Household

ED 27 Salt Lake, Utah, United States

Clark, SophiaheadWFDec184851Wd65ScotlandIrelandIrelandYesYesYesRH
Clark, JamessonWMNov187623SUTScotlandYesYesYes
Truelson, EffiedaughterWFOct187920SUTCanadaScotlandYesYesYes
Truelson, Arthurson-in-lawWMApr187426SUTSwedenDenmarkElec + Sight Man9YesYesYes
Truelson, IresgranddaughterWFJul18972SUTUTUT
Truelson, ArthurgrandsonWMJul18981SUTUTUT

Marriage info based on 1910 Census and his death in 1913
Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Sophia Howard - Household

Shumway, Ida MheadFW35Wd00UTCanadaScotlandEnglishNoneYesYesOMF
Clark, SophiamotherFW62Wd65ScotlandIrelandIreland1872EnglishNoneYesYes
Crawford, Thomasbrother-in-lawMW49M20ScotlandScotlandScotland1880PaEnglishPrinterProof ReaderWNo0YesYes
Crawford, ElenoresisterFW43M2021EnglandIrelandScotland1872EnglishNoneYesYes
Crawford, ElenorenieceFW19SUTScotlandEnglandEnglishNoneYesYes
Clark, James YbrotherMW33SUTILScotlandEnglishPlumberWNo25YesYes

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Robert Andrew Denny - Household

Los Angeles, California, United States

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Denny, Robert AheadRMW38MYesYesKSKSKSYesRetail MerchantDry GoodsOA
Denny, Ida MwifeFW42MYesYesUTCanadaEnglishScotlandScotchYesNone
Clark, Sophiamother-in-lawFW71Wd`872NA1872YesYesScotlandScotchIrelandEnglishIrelandEnglishYesNone