Emily Norris WilliamsAge: 57 years1812–1870
- Name
- Emily Norris Williams
- Given names
- Emily Norris
- Surname
- Williams
- Married name
- Emily Norris McGehee
Birth | June 8, 1812 |
Marriage | John Wesley McGehee Sr — View this family July 19, 1830 (Age 18 years) Text: Name: John W. McGehee
Sex: Male
Spouse's Name: Emily Williams
Spouse's Sex: Female
Marriage Date: 19 Jul 1830
Marriage Place: Jones, Georgia, United States
Event Type: Marriage |
Death | between 1870 and 1880 (Age 57 years) Note: She was listed with her husband, John, in the 1870 Census. But, in the 1880 Census, her husband is shown with another wife, Jane |
Family with John Wesley McGehee Sr |
husband |
John Wesley McGehee Sr Birth: about 1812 43 24 — Georgia, United States Death: April 20, 1890 — Bibb, Georgia, United States |
herself |
Emily Norris Williams Birth: June 8, 1812 — Georgia, United States Death: between 1870 and 1880 — White, Jones, Georgia, United States |
Marriage: July 19, 1830 — Jones, Georgia, United States |
John Wesley McGehee Sr + Jane E … |
husband |
John Wesley McGehee Sr Birth: about 1812 43 24 — Georgia, United States Death: April 20, 1890 — Bibb, Georgia, United States |
husband’s wife |
Jane E … Birth: about 1850 — Georgia, United States Death: |
Marriage: about 1873 — Georgia, United States |
No family available
Marriage | Georgia, County Marriages, 1785-1950 Text: Name: John W. McGehee
Sex: Male
Spouse's Name: Emily Williams
Spouse's Sex: Female
Marriage Date: 19 Jul 1830
Marriage Place: Jones, Georgia, United States
Event Type: Marriage |
Death | She was listed with her husband, John, in the 1870 Census. But, in the 1880 Census, her husband is shown with another wife, Jane |